Ander - Part 3: Subchapter 22

It was all so... gruesome. _you did this_, he thought. _and not just indirectly, either. you were the first one to strike him before the trial even began. you started all this. it's all your fault..._ "take your time, boy..."

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The Line of Life or Death - Chapter Three - Don't Lose Your Head

I heard laughter, gruesome, sadistic laughter, coming from the minotaur, who was watching me drown to death in the blood if his victims. i dove in once more in a final attempt of escape. my brain was going fuzzy and my vision spotty.

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A Cruel Fate

And it was a gruesome sight, causing naruto to smirk. looking down to his bloody hands naruto felt only a little regret, regret that it had not lasted longer. he felt himself getting weaker and saw that the powerful energy cloaking him was fading.

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Ander - Part 3: Subchapter 40

He'd already made that gruesome mistake once. he didn't want to see that trail of blood again, infinite drips on the carpet of leaves, zigzagging from blood-splattered tree to blood-splattered tree.

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Anthro novel - Chapter Four, Little One.

The thick black whiskers twitched as her large fangs were bared in a dangerous, gruesome snarl. "get....out." she growled between words, ravenous.

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Astaroth part 2- The birth

It was a curious toy but the real one would look very gruesome. the last one was 12 x 16 trapezoid-like musical string instrument with five double strings (or ten), about 28 inches long.

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Dropping like a rock, blood spilled out and trickled through the armor in a gruesome manner. silence drowned out the crowd, then in a combined effort they all cheered.

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The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Fifteen

He smiled, his wart wrinkled face and proud tusks contorting into an evil grimace, which was further made gruesome by the injuries to the face he sustained. "well well well... who do have here? do i remember you from somewhere?"

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Komara Aegissage Profile

The court martial found that i had tactically managed a near impossible situation, sparing hundreds of soldiers from a gruesome fate demonstrated up and down the brand as it formed.

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Rainshine and Adrien (part 1)

Had he been dead, she could have simply run away from the scene and called the police, but it didn't seem right to her to leave him alone so badly injured, even if the gruesomeness of the situation made her uncomfortable.

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W.O.L.F. Shadow of Chernobyl Pilot

It was too gruesome to even describe. then some of the others thought about escaping while they ate her, but i said no... fuck me... why did i say that. i encouraged them to move on and we did. inside was a shitload of trouble.

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Snowbound Serpent (Illustrated by WhiteMantis)

The other source from whom he had heard about snow, some time after hearing the rabbit's recollections was a reptilian relative of his, and they had not spared a single gruesome detail in explaining just how dangerous, unforgiving and lethal that same

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