Falling Snow

So i can hold him for all eternity i need him his warm embrace his soft lips pressed to mine as soft as the falling snow

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Heaven Falls

What then, when heaven falls-- when the world takes his rightful place?


Before A Fall

His biggest clue that she'd noticed him in spite of his precautions was when she kicked the tree up which he was hiding trying to make him fall down from it.

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The air brisk, my thoughts on the other side of the field I race across with tail whirling round, to no reasoning shall I yield The sky blue as the oceans bright, I'll run till it's in my sight My heart racing, keeping pace with my feet I find...


Falling Stars

falling. falling. to the earth they fall. in the night sky. they dance as one, they fall as one. for all to see the price, of their last great folly.

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The Beginning of Fall

The leaves on all the trees were starting to dry out and fall making it a beautiful fall evening. he smiled. it was a day like this exactly six years ago that he asked karen to marry him. they were wed the next summer.

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The Fall of Umbria

The world of umbira falls along with it's king's heart the fall of umbria castle walls crumble to dust, war upon war, fight we must, flame spreads across the whispering wood, nothing is ever as it should, the mountains cease their beautiful song, the


Elation and the Fall

While he lies curled on his bed in a ball i'll head back to my computer and try to comfort him try to remind him, to remind me, that somehow life is more than just a gasp of elation, followed by a devastating fall.

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The Fall: Prologue

The night was a bitter one, with a wind off the mountains that froze to the bone. It whistled round the old barn, shaking the odd assortment of palings that masqueraded as walls, dislodging the occasional fragment of ice to clatter to the hard earth...

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The Falling of an Angel

.\> i was in a serious mood, so i was able to come up with this lil thing . c: ever witnesed the falling of and angel?_** **_.........................._** **_the falling of an angel_** waking lights bounce around in my head, blinding me for enternity.

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Shadow Falling

Blood poured freely from his side. He had dropped his short sword a while back, using a paw to cover the grave wound. He stumbled on in the dark, the moon full as full and bright as a morning sun. Twigs and rocks threaten to trip him repeatedly, trying...

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