Chapter Four: The purpose

David then closes the door behind him, puts his seatbelt on, turns on the ignition and backs the car out of the driveway and onto the street. "take care of your selves" jasmine yells out to them.

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Love At It's Finest: Episode 5

I hear a car pull up into the driveway as i exit the garage. i come around the corner as jason is heading for the door. he hasn't seen me yet so i take the opportunity to get a good look at him.

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Foresight and luck part 10: Trouble in paradise

They pulled out of the driveway and started down the street in the opposite direction of zeke's house, which confused him a bit.

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Room 69 #One-School Is In Session

The civic pulled into the driveway of a holiday inn, stopped haphazardly in the 24-hour-parking zone, and turned off. the door flew open, and out stepped a male jaguar.

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Dexter & Lacey: The First Encounter

Dexter smiled at lacey, but when she grimaced in response, he shrugged to himself and sat back down in the driveway with his chalk, tracing paw prints and writing his name over the pavement.


Slam - Chapter 1: Liquid Gold

That's my car in the driveway, right? my computer, my cd's your rooting through." she squinted at him. "not likely. this house is mine, as of two weeks ago. the previous owner disappeared a month ago." sig reeled. a month!

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A Dark Night

In a couple hours she pulled inot her driveway and inot the garage. when she got out and was turning to leave the garage, she saw him.

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Full Circle - Part 6

He pulled into the muddy driveway across from the scene of the crime and got out of his jeep. he flagged down an officer. "what happened here, is everything all right?" the officer looked at otis for a moment. "i can't tell you much, sir.

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Twisted Whispers And Twisted Sisters, Part II

The wide dirt driveway was cleared of cars, and the clang of steel on steel drifted up. i looked out over the rail, watching robert best ken once more during their sparring.

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Hard worker (donkey TF)

The gate slowly swung open, revealing the long curved driveway that disappeared among the trees. i slowly followed the drive, unable to hide my anxiety.



Arian approached a cobbled driveway that spanned from the island's rim to the house and prepared to touchdown. the smooth rocks of the driveway made the landing easy and the car arrived at its destination in a quiet and relaxed manner.

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Story of my Life Ch3

I took the waist-high handle that stemmed up from the back of the trike and began pushing him down the driveway with marcus on my left. ~m~ i really don't know what i'm doing here; walking with boe and his little brother.

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