Wasteland Survivor – Building and tearing down - ch4

The lead two dingos went down reasonably fast, i was aiming for the legs mainly to slow them down but it seemed effective in halting them.

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Those Bygone Dog-Star Days - Chapter 12 of 37

._ _his name was bo, said the golden glowing dingo. his brilliant ocean-blue eyes met the honey-yellow of the arabian wolf named aaron.

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The Adventures of Dingo Dan: The Show

Dan: g'day ev'ryboday, dingo dan 'ere, on december twenty-seven.

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Falling In A Ball Of Fire Chapter 1

She poked her head around a corner to see lizzy stripes the schools vice principal, standing in front of a tall dingo.

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First Impressions

The dingo wrinkled his nose sniffing the air around jacob, his eyebrows forming a confused expression then he broke out in a fit of laughter, "you smell like blumin' poesies you do!"

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Whatever Gods Exist

The dingo made a crack at the fennec's penis size. the crowd laughed. the fennec stomped off. the dingo made another crack. the crowd laughed again.

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Archer's origin story

Within the next year he managed to get an adopted kitten and his younger cousin a one month old dingo pup came to live with him soon after his sixteenth birthday adopted a fox too.

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Transcendent Pt.5

Luckily i still have a little bit of myself so that's good...after a couple short moments the dingo finally turns to me and he has a phone. if i'm correct it's a lg optimus l9...ok.... "hack this phone.

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The Alpha Project Chapter One: Welcome to Delta Four ( Revised)

Replied a dingo as he looked back to the last remaining hostage with a chuckle.

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Perspective - Chapter 1

The dingo just shrugs his shoulders as if he was just asked how it is that orange is indeed orange. "i don't know. maybe it has something to do with not being such a nerd."

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A Life Worth Living - Chapter 3 - Slip of the Mind

I looked back at the cashier, but find the silent panther was now replaced with a light brown dingo. she looked my way and before i realized it she had caught me staring.

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