Tales of Zootopia: Billy and Billie
They both went on incredibly strict diets, and obsessively used cosmetics, even having various cosmetic surgeries. when they were 24, sharing a birthday, they finally admitted their feelings for each other, confident in their bodies.
Knock at the Door
"i wouldn't at all impress me if you fed me like this so the kiss wouldn't taste so bad--" "--and you're right, your diet is fish, deer and small game hehe, this taste more sweet." she said before kissing him again.
I got a Werewolf Girlfriend; a music parody
Her main diet is other people, and perhaps a baby or three. when the full moon is out people run and hide, i put on my running shoes. she's already in killing mode, and i tell ya she's no puppy ya see...
Soi Brothas: Part 3 and 4 - Drake Time
Shaking off the irritation, he nabbed another can of diet cola from the fridge and squeezed himself into his room.
That Boy is a Monster
His body was a bit skinnier than i remembered, no doubt from his diet, or rather, lack of diet, but he was still toned and firm. i've missed my wolf so much.
Star Fox: Changes of Love Chapter 4 The Press Conference
A diet pepsi." "that's cool. i'm gonna try out a cherry coke-cola. it looks so good from the original!" "hehehe. they usually do." fox and dash went to the counter to buy their drinks.
Evolution Part I: Chapter Eight
I didn't know it yet, but my diet had quite the opposite effect on my life than i'd intended. it, in fact, had set me on course to match with the very largest of dogs who lived in the yard.
the story of the SKULLS YELLOW SKULLS story
Okay my story i wasn't like this a good 10 years ago no, no i was fat and very big my excressise was getting out of bed or trying to find the television remote control, my diet was bad too i ate nothing but chips, chicken, surgery drinks, i was so lazy i would
All-Time High S1E10
To stay in shape and learn the value of proper diet," began stuart, the gym instructor. "finally, someone who knows how a school is supposed to be," muttered kelly.
Hefty Haulage: Part One
Speaking of processed food, that had been the fox's entire diet during his long period of nomadic existence and, coupled with his only exercise having been coupling and uncoupling trailers and walking to and from gas station stores, it was starting to show
Love is a beautiful thing pt. 3
"y-yea...i try and keep a good diet"_ **kei smiled looking at him. "i see...we're here now. this is...our home.." he blushed deeply and carried him inside of his house. he opened the front door and then locked it once they were inside.
Spectember: Ichthyornithid Parrots
It waded in the warm swamps of the eocene, shifting from a duck or crane-like diet of soft aquatic plants into hardier reeds. to these ends it developed two key adaptations: - the upper jaw completely lost its teeth, becoming a powerful, deep beak.