Wasteland Survivor – Culmination - ch30
"it won't be easy, all the time you spent learning your path of destruction, all your time you spent training in how to cause pain and damage. you will need thrice that to learn these ways.
Wasteland Survivor – Building skills - ch28
Note, most of this is not interactions, it can be skimmed over if you want, just read the last bit. For those that are interested, this is (as far as I can research) accurate of the five weeks spent in sniper training, enjoy :) * * * That first...
Seth's dedication
Don't ask where my muse got this guy from, I hold absolutely no resposabillity for him at all, its HER fault! \*points at his muse and runs away\* Anyway, this one is Seth, resident of Myre. * * * "And furthermore, in the two days leading up to the...
A day of Rust
My pre-story for Rust, an ex priest Echidna of Doen, they removed him from his clerical duties for his 'heretical' words, removed the hand that wrote them too. Read the bio if you want the low down on this big saint. (and yes, watching 'boondock...
Weapon - Delayed
Three months later... Some of the private sector was feeling the pinch of trade restrictions, with the inclusion of 'The State of South Korea' and Japan the quality built technology kept flowing. Some prices went up, a lot, some stayed the...
Timely rescue
Just a heads-up, I am no longer allowing votes, if you want to let me know something didn't work for you, or that you thought some part sucked, comment about it. I don't hold it against people if they say something negative, everyone has a right to an...
Day -1
Just before the beginning. * * * Holidays, the best thing a student could dream of. I had postponed my last year of university and had used all my money I had saved up to do a backpacking tour of the world, and it was going great! Had...
The Soulless Soldier
"He is awake? How is h... there's not even any sign of activity on the readouts..." The doctors, or what appeared, now that my eyes were open, to be doctors were rushing around, looking at devices and making notes. I raised my head as far as I...
The Bloodless Soldier
Something differant, it has been eating at my dreams, and today, after listening to some White Zombie, the plot solidified into something writeable. At this stage it will be a 'write as it comes to me' thing, I will be working on Weapon as a...
The Doubtless Soldier
The plan was similar to the last one, the main force would engage the hordes of foot soldiers and beast-men, once they were fully committed to the fight, I would push as hard and fast as I could to the mage and deal with them by any means necessary. As...
Weapon - Consolidating
Back again, with more from the General, as always, votes, comments and favs are very much appreciated, comments in particular. * * * "With the results of the referendums held in the propositioned countries being kept secret, and the deadline for...
Weapon – Transparent
At the man shaking his head i continued, "one of the things that sickened me about government was the fact it was all carried out in secret and afterwards, when damage assessments had been carried out, some facts would be given out. i am sick of it."