Spreading the Shine Further (1/2)
One of them included someone that owned a small fetish shop and that meant the integration of more gear into the club once they had converted him.
Bio-Morph FAQ 2
** in 2021 to 2022 a major electronics manufacturer in china converted their low wage factories to robotic ones. this manufacturer supplies the bulk of china's exports.
Her eyes scanned the many vehicles in the lot until her eyes rested on a deep orange convertible. reaching into her purse again, victoria pulled out a set of keys on an acrylic flower crown keychain.
New Blacksmith in Town (Haley TF/TG)
Meanwhile terry's insides altered and converted in order to make him, or more appropriately, her a body capable of everything any other female could do.
Ferina III - Chapter 6
Here, let me see how you convert energy through your body. this is a technique that you'll learn later, but it's one that i need to use to see how you're converting energy."
Inevitability pt 4
As the plasma encountered the atmosphere, it boiled it away, converting it to more plasma. when it hit water, which covered a majority of the planet's surface, it sent columns of steam miles into the sky.
(F/F, wolf and possum) Not Quite Ready Yet
Well...morgan had still agreed to a second date, and a third, and now was talking about cruising in her convertible. so maybe not everything. and morgan had said, "hey, don't worry about it, we can take this slow.
The Human Species - BAD END: 'Rebirth'
The scientist yelled through the searing pain, the outer cells of his body becoming infected by cellulose and converting themselves into cells of plants.
She also had other intentions in the concept of this bit of programming by converting members of her cybertrooper army then deploying them on hera during the heraxion mating season to swell the ranks through usage of the "b+ breeder protocol" which
It turned out some of those cries were indeed, actually human, and not animal converted humans. the families of these people were outraged and demanded something be done of this insanity.
Starlight Part 3
With aid from the hunter's failing a.i. they have been successful in converting the system the ships uses to track exotic prey, it's mage system.
Dons Nation 1
W: oh man, if they converted the fourth down, it would have been a miracle. g: and a miracle it wasn't. curran snaps the ball and just tosses it deep down the field.