Normae: Nation Profile
Legendary history: the normae, according to legend, arrived at the rugged forested coast they call home not long after the giantsfall.
Jaguar Feathers Initial Concept (Recycled)
A map of the former kingdom of italy looks like this (note more lands were claimed during the war such as corsica, tunisia, the croatian coast) 21. 22.
Dons Nation 2 - Week 3
Garner - yeah; anyways, week three has come and gone and this game we got to see quarterback joe bowers on the field as they faced aspen redfield and the baltimore ponies in a east coast versus west coast battle.
Seas Be Ours - Chapter 6
While most of the species were different and the architecture foreign, she did not find firelight coast much different from avarice. the docks were home to the sailors, homeless and lowlifes.
Blood, Sweat, and Diesel: Chapter 10
The fox major, along with 12 supply truck drivers and two dozen guards, had begun their long road trip from the coast two days prior.
Devolvers - The Excuse | Chapter 8
Why the west coast? i mean..." i sorta slowed my speech and stopped. maybe he was confident for a reason. it just felt odd to me. i was always the one in control on our adventures. "oh!
The Chronicles of the Seven: Overview
The orc wastes is a swamp that occupies the western coast of aura south of the teeth of auris and borders with dal'vesta to the east and the desolate caryda to the south.
The Birth of a Phoenix (Chapter 1) (Draft 2)
Brier rose reach was situated by the coast, and i could feel the cool monsoon sweeping from across the bay. the temperature was hot but the air, being coastal, felt cool.
The Seventh Realm 00
Her elation is quickly crushed under the realization that she has wandered to the great lake, which wraps around the coast and ends not far from the kelanethtaka village; this area is not unknown to her people.
Bound Into Fact : The Last Dragon
A cool and rainy land, dismal for us in the coast, but so peaceful and calm for the likes of the golden dragonkings of the royal family.
Epicenter: Day 2 Part 1
And now today's update on west coast city earthquake. yesterday at almost ten in the morning, west coast city is struck by an earthquake of a magnitude of 8.7 at the richter scale.
The Siren's Hymn: The Pile
Her coast an aria echoed graveyard of every sailors heart, another added to the pile doomed to ever grow