Raiyev Part 4

We never got to learn too much about what was the chemical cause of gigantism, so the records we have are very limited and unfinished, with some of the shakiest and most unprofessional conclusions ever drawn up."



Thc is a chemical found inside the plant and it acts on specific targets in the brain. thc plays an important role within the brain as well.

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Bulletproof Heart The Forward

Its a fan fiction about the band my chemical romance alright so some of you know that this is not my original concept, but i'd like to expand on it.


Binary Genetics - Chapter 1 (Revised Update)

"the chemical trigger was felt in the 1950's to be impossible or at least unlikely to replicate. when president nixon found out about the program, he ordered it be terminated.

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Catnip Tea Cup One

Multiple broken bones all over his body, punctured lung, and a number of other things, not to mention the havoc that the chemicals could be causing.

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Shayde's Story Chapter 5

He uncapped the bottle of chemical and poured some onto the bandana. just then, he remembered the bottle of healing chemical he had taken from slate. pulling it from his pocket, he poured some onto the bandana as well.

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When Disaster Strikes

A thick, white fog of foul-smelling chemicals fell over the path. it swept down from the top, crushing and rolling the travelers' bodies. most didn't survive as they were swept down the hard pathway.

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true sight

At the time i work in a chemical processing plant, i was assigned to keep chemical's at a certain temperature so that they would not exploded from the heat or become useless because it was too cold.it would seem like a cushy job to some, but you had

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Escape From Death

Releasing the smell of chemicals, and very high powered cleaner. the both of them went silent before kaji looked back at amran; a grin on his muzzle. "bingo."

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Prolouge to Sexy Justice

The chemicals mutated him, rebuilding his structure, causeing his body to improve itself. especial his muscle system. they match and source of the chemicals used on him is unkown. and the military has tried to extract samples of dna.

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Request for porsche454 - Swan TF

She had never taken this much of the chemical before, usually only restricting herself to a partial dose of one injection. ruby imagined it wasn't particularly wise, or healthy, to take this much of the chemical in one go.

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Living Suit

The first group has focused on disposal of scientists and soldiers the protecting convoy, meanwhile, second group stole the prototype suit most chemicals and records of research. ambush convoy survived just a small group of scientists.

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