Isolation-Excerpt 8-Vents
Mike laughed at my comment as I helped him up. "That was too close", Allen said, "there were at least four dozen of those things." "Seemed like there were more", Mike said wiping dirty, bloody sweat off his forehead, "is there a working shower...
Isolation-Excerpt 7-Biome Labs
I brought up my PDA the second I was in the hallway. I navigated to the maps and found a JPEG file that had a big blue "NEW FILE" on it. I clicked on it and found that it was the map to the Biome's. From where I was it was straight down the hallway to...
Isolation-Excerpt 6-Survivors
I didn't get much sleep that night. I had several nightmares that I was back in captivity that almost made it seem like I'd never escaped in the first place. Add that in with the constant low moans and scratching of whatever creature happened to be...
Isolation-Excerpt 5-Outlet
I'd slept on the hunt before, that wasn't new. Sometimes the target would prove too smart to find and kill in the span of one day and when that happened I would retreat to my ship for the night and pick up the trail in the morning. This time was...
Isolation-Excerpt 4-Chemical 240
Sarah set to work on cooking some of the Alfredo while Jacob and Tyler pulled out beds from the two sofa's in the back room and the little boy grabbed the bean bags from the front room and moved them into the back by the counters. I unpacked the...
An Anthro's Tale-Ending Notes
Well guys, that was one high powered adventure I'm sure none of us are forgetting anytime soon lol. As par, I want to thank every one who kept reading, voting and commenting on this. I lagged like a huge turbocharger through this whole thing, but it's...
An Anthro's Tale-The Final Chapter-Dream Match Championship
The announcers words rang in my ears. "The Championship Full Circuit race will begin momentarily." It was everything I'd always dreamed of. I'd watched the Dream Matches on TV more than a few times, when I was little, like ten, I remember my Dad bought...
An Anthro's Tale-Chapter30-Audi Vs. Supra Street GT Runoff
Acting on the gurgling in my stomach, I started for the congregation of food trucks. I raided the Domions one where I found Trent, Ross and Joe, all of who seemed to be waiting for orders. "Hey guys", I said as I walked up, "anything going on?" ...
Day 44 4:23PM 1/6/2023-Chapter 15-Rescue?
I wasn't sure what I should do now. The idea of running back to the rest stop and grabbing that Hellcat seemed like a good idea, but was there gas in the tank? And if there was, how much? I'd never been in this kind of situation before. Losing friends...
A Dragon's Tale Genesis-Chapter 8-Eastern Ally
It was the dragon from the circus. I had no idea she could speak,and in English for that matter. Hudson raised his FAL,but I stopped him. "I'm sorry about your friend",the dragon said,"I recently lost someone close to me as well." I just looked...
A Dragon's Tale Genesis-Chapter 6-Expect The Unexpected
The flight into Iraq didn't take thirty minutes. We touched down at an American firebase where a few soldiers with a combat dog were waiting to meet us. "Major Mason sir!",the man with the dog said standing at attention and saluting me. "At ease...
Day 43 7:54 PM 1/5/2023-Chapter 13-Why?
I sometimes wondered if the urge for power was unalterably ingrained into all of us. Sure seemed that way. You'd think after a worm ate the brains of 99 percent of the Earth's population that the survivors would band together to help keep the human...