Chapter 1: Nature Calls The hypnotic call of the crickets was slowly swept away as the sweet song of the early bird began to fill the air of the park in the company of Spring's sun, which signaled to all of its creatures that the time had come to...
In the Negative: Chapter 16
**Chapter 16: Déjà Vu.** Kate stirred with a wince and a groan as she felt the warm rays of the sun stab through her eyelids, and slowly allowed her eyes to peel open. At first, all she saw was a large, black blotch before her spectrum, but with each...
In the Negative: Chapter 15
* * * **Chapter 15: Leap of Faith** It was difficult for Humphrey to describe what it was that he felt mere moments after diving into the light. In fact, at first, he had to take a moment to try and figure out if he was actually feeling, and if...
In the Negative: Chapter 14
**Chapter 14: Last Time, Last Chance.** Humphrey turned to the den once more, took a deep breath of courage, then entered. As he stepped inside, he found exactly what he had expected to see. There, standing only six feet away from him, was his...
In the Negative: Chapter 13
**Chapter 13: The Bridge: Part 3: One** **Paw in the Grave.** The two of them sat together in their den, finding that they had grown so used to having a pup in the den that they no longer knew how to fill the silence that he had left behind. They...
In the Negative: Chapter 10
**Chapter 10: What Dreams May Come/ Public Enemy #2 Part 2** All night Kate stayed by his side, crying softly, praying that her mate be saved until finally the last of her energies were drained by her tears and she passed on into the realm of her...
Meanwhile: Chapter 6
**Chapter 6: A Dream of Mirrors.** Humphrey stood alone in the middle of a thick, black abyss. So dark was this place that he could not see the end of his muzzle. He couldn't tell which way was forward and which was back, and all around him was a...
Meanwhile: Chapter 5
**Chapter 5: Why** 5 Months Ago He lied alone in his den and etched doodles in the dirt with his claw, but he was unaware of this action, as his thoughts weighed heavily elsewhere, to a time when simplicity melted into complexity and life as...