08 Frail
She was ninety-something years old. Though her body had become frail and her mind was beginning to betray her age, her spirit never faltered. To her last, she would always have a smile, share a laugh, or tell a story to anyone who might be willing to...
07 Enchanted
Legend has given us no shortage of enchanted objects and places. Swords. Lakes. Entire kingdoms. Some stories were pure fiction. Others, perhaps, held a grain of truth that had grown wildly with the passage of time. Little thought is given to the...
06 Husky
The canine walked steadily up to the microphone. Her movements were measured, as if every step tapped into a reserve of energy that had nearly been drawn dry. As the music began, she gave a heavy sigh, then she began to sing. Her voice carried the...
05 Build
It was perfect. It had taken 18 months of off-hours work, piecing together whatever spare bits of metal and wire wouldn't be noticed as missing, but the build was finally complete. A robotic body, tailored just to my needs. Small, efficient, and...
04 Freeze
I sat inside, looking out at the chilly weather through the window. While some of my mammalian friends frolicked in the snow, I preferred to remain inside, sipping a hot cup of tea. I'd freeze if I went out there. Such is the challenge of being cold...
03 Bait
"Well, this is embarrassing." You saw the obvious trap lying on the ground, with a few silvers lying as bait. Such a simple trap, by and for simple creatures. A pity you were too busy being smug to notice the other, almost as obvious trap a few steps...
02 Mindless
You have a mind. A brilliant, creative mind. A gift of god or evolution or the freakish improbability of the cosmos. A mind that can conceive of things great and small. A mind that is aware of itself and its surroundings. Put it to use. Do things....
01 Ring
Construction was finally finished on the new colony ship. It was a decade in the making, a multi-trillion dollar effort funded by the world's elite. The whole ship was self sufficient, with an antimatter core that could last for millions of years, and...
Loskra's Story
Though kobolds are often little more than resentful of races who seem superior to them, a few are fortunate enough to see past those ancient grudges to recognize not just their own species' gifts, but those of others as well. From a young age, Loskra...
Shrinking the plagiarist
I'd had enough of that dragon stealing my thunder. Everyone flocked to him, praising him for all "his" fantastic ideas, when I was the one who really came up with all the work. He just happened to know the right people to make himself look like a...
Tiny Toe Toy Tiko
[Tiko](https://www.furaffinity.net/view/54191111/) perked up when there was a knock on the door. His bondmate would _never_ knock so it had to be someone special dropping by! The ki'cha--a roughly three inch tall rodent--was always happy to see new...