Ander - Chapter 3, Subchapter 18

This punishment will end when the accused breathes his last breath, or when the first rays of the morning sun strike the cora's statue. if the accused can last till then, then surely it means the cora wants him to survive."

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Jeremy; List Of Species

Its said almost accusingly that weasels only tried so hard as to have a species see them as a higher more advanced form of the same species. mink defend themselves by pointing out the successful cooperation of otters and beavers.


TLoS: Darkness Falls Prologue

"you told her about your rigorous elemental training with the guardians," sparx said accusingly. "i..." "you told her about the darkness coming," sparx cut in. spyro sat in silence, watching the stars. "yeah, i did. is that so bad?

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Searching for Mary

Blaise accused. "me? she threw my phone at me! hit me in the eye, broke the phone. which was why i didn't call first." "why did she do that?" sylvia still accused. "it started with a little argument, then she started screaming at me.

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The City of Firmament

Those accused are expected to defend themselves. a counsel may be hired, but faces shared sentence with the accused.



"still, i guess no-one's ever accused the empress of having poor taste, huh? lucky her, having him around all the time like that..."

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Cinders and Shadows (chapter 2)

He accused me of not being able to pay and watched me while i was eating. not to mention he slammed my food down on the table and used a sarcastic tone whenever talking to me."

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Wolf E. - Chapter 3

He accused. as they pulled up in the driveway to granny's house he got out of the car, and said, "well, i'm sorry i'm such a disappointment to you, brother!" before slamming the door as hard as he possibly could.

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Gloria's Strange Addiction

You're right, we don't want to accuse gloria of stealing money if she hasn't been. how else could we be off by a hundred? is it possible you missed a bundle when you put the money in the pouch." "i don't think so." mike stood.

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Dawn - Chapter One

Alongside the rainbow glow of nebuna's gaseous avatar, the courtroom notably contained a number of teenage females clustered around the accusation's bench, majority of whom were pregnant, and said majority were accompanied by another of similar age.

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Lance breathed a sigh of relief, the lion didn't think him a criminal, "the elders of my village accused me of a crime i didn't commit, and now i've been exiled."

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Light by:BY

Those who need it light by: by it says, "let there be light" it was there giving us warmth it was there showing the way it can be turned on it can be turned off it can be turned out but it can't be turned in why, because it can never be wrongly accused