The Walk from Darkness to Light: Part 1
All life is sacred to the canius, no matter the source, and such things as abortions are seen as heretical in our culture. this does not mean we are unsympathetic.
A Memoir.
#1 of aborted attempts this was something produced by one of my few attempts at writing stories in english. considering the atrociously awkward storyline and poor use of english, i am unsure if this is a wise choice to post this here. . . .
Ferret's Five - A Plan Revealed
Some discussed aborting the plan while others wondered if they could fill in the hole left by the sabrewolf in time.
Tales from Silicon City 10: Lunch Meeting
Yoon lee woojin, formerly of the north korean army and a volunteer in its abortive failure of a super soldier program.
Ember Tails, ch2 (pt.4)
Even though i decided a long time ago that there was no way i was going to abort this kid, i didn't think i'd get all that attached, but i don't think i've ever been as scared as i was for that hour or two earlier today; that, despite my best efforts
The Brony Chronicles: Chapter 1
Suddenly the abort alarm sounded, security footage showed someone actually walking right towards where the beams were focussed. 'sir, synchronisation fluctuating dangerously! the wormhole is becoming unstable!
The Demonic - Intro Chapter
His dad wanted to abort him, and because his mother never did he left her because he didn't want to be a dad. so rien didn't want to be his son, he lost all the emotions he had ever had for 2 years since that day.
In the Negative: Chapter 5
Humphrey pondered the situation for a moment as he tried to recall how it was that he could have gotten here, and why it was that his head throbbed as it did, but after a few seconds' time, he decided to call it quits and aborted such thoughts as he was entirely
Cosmic Stars - Chapter Twenty
"abort, immunity pilots, break off," ordered yukiomaru, his body tensing up. yelena stared at the screen with a confused look. jun watched with them as the electricity sparks that were building up around the hull of the pod started to grow.
All's Fair - Part 4
After one abortive attempt at motion, i squeezed my eyes shut and groaned, contemplating the many wondrous benefits of civilization, like beds and muscle relaxants. but i knew i wouldn't trade last night for all of them.
Chapter 3 fall of man dawn of a new age Rewrite by Raven Fox
"joe if there is a police presence at the sight, well abort the mission" john calmly said. "you better!" growled shelly. they all got in john's van, and drove to the building, but they parked a block from the place.
The Guilded Cage, Ch 7
It was the second time such an offer was extended to him and the initial request ended in an aborted attempt. blackscale was happy to know that rak was not a nibbler since he obviously lacked the talents to get things done.