You Can't Shut Me Up
You can't shut me up I'm in your head screwing with your wires Your followers know my name They know that you're a failure Because I'm a good listener You're afraid of me, and of what I stand for you're afraid that your glorious, eternal system...
What I Want
I want to surf the Great Barrier Reef I want to see the sunset in Paris I want to go skiing up in Sweden I want to kill Snooki and blame it on Charlie Sheen I want a lot of things I want to talk philosophy with John Wayne I want to dance with a...
The Last Agent of the Old World: Dead Men's Dream
I'd left Teresa and Khyros back at the first town we'd encountered, a little place cut out of the forest where the two of them could get up to speed. Teresa had some re-training to do thanks to her time stuck in a hole in the ground, and Khyros needed...
Waking Up: Nightstorm, Part 1
Darkness. That is my first memory; the darkness of the world behind closed eyes. As I became aware of that darkness I heard sounds, muffled, but audible enough to know that someone was speaking. I don't know how I knew what speaking was, but I had that...
presentation by Hardsharp Scanlan
Although my city and other cities with advanced technologies don't seem post-apocalyptic. because each city has high walls to avoid the entrance of zombies. but not all cities have high walls.
I Am God
I still don't understand people. Even after the apocalypse, they still tried to hold onto what little bits of their old lives that they can. It's funny, really. How people persevered in maintaining friendships and tried to survive together, even...
The World We Live In Character Reference - Jek Barlow
All these, combined with the fact that it was like that in the post-apocalyptic wasteland, made him ignorant of the plight of those he captured for the slavers and others. all he needed was the muns for his own survival.
The Choice Between Right and Wrong
Erico sat in the dim light of the single lamp while he poured over a computer screen that had once belonged to Dr. Javi Kevir. The rest of the lab was dark, the equipment sitting unused ever since the members of the city council voted to go ahead with...
No Such Thing as Good and Evil
#1 of the morality paradox commission for shaesullivan a post-apocalyptic world is hard to live in: resources are scarce, safe spaces to live are rare, and people often only look out for themselves.
What is left of me: Chapter Finale
[4/24/2050] I am sorry for leaving my log entries vacant for 7 days, the infection, despite my hopes of besting it, was too fast for me to treat. Cart kept me company though, so at least that was one benefit of what was happening to me. Still, I'm...
Walk in the Wastes #1: August 15th, 2279
#1 of walk in the wastes a post apocalyptic, journal styled tale, told by bishop, a wanderer in the american wastes after the great war. takes place in a fallout alternate universe which includes both human and faunus characters.
Trinka and The Robot (teaser) - The Furry Future
Trinka and The Robot - Ocean Tigrox It was finally time to escape. Finished with her chores, the young ferret scampered to the ruins first chance she could. Her adventure pack, slung over her shoulder, bounced against her soft grey fur. One of...