Chapter 2: Aveamaria's Prayers

Pity for the both of them they had not noticed the pouch spilling silver dust and holy water being flung behind their heads.

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Curse part 8

I noticed they were all of custom make that had been loaded with holy water soaked silver shot. things in the heart had an obnoxious habit of not staying down once they died.

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Truth Be Told

The first thing that yunalesca could feel once the fog of rosemary and holy water was gone from her mind was pain. it was cold and precise, needling her body relentlessly.

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Prayer and Demon 10 - Approach to the Treasury

Blessed items, vials of holy water, anything of that sort. they are rare, but it would not be unheard of to find such things in a horde such as this.

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The Lord of the Manor - Chapter 2

Leading them to the front of the chapel, he bid them to kneel and pray before the effigy of christ on the crucifix, in turn making a cross on each of their foreheads with holy water, muttering almost utterly silently beneath his breath for their wellbeing.

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