A Celestial Garden

In ancient times she had read books and watched presentations about the formation of galaxies, the substance of stars. much of it incorrect, most of it merely theory.

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Eternal Mortality: The Nations Of Osa

In ancient times, the people of ester were nomads. until one day, a jackal brought the tale of adam the betrayed to them.

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Zootopia Spirit Chronicles Chapter 4

The grudge had vanished and had left behind the spirit of a male deer standing on all fours as they once did in ancient times. it tried to look proud and majestic, but instead it just looked sorrowful.

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Zootopia Spirit Chronicles Chapter 1

In ancient times he would be considered an 'omega' the runt of a wolf pack. placing the brush down he grabbed a large black dog collar around his neck. it was an odd but necessary fashion choice.

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Anthro Sex Squad Story 3 - Oaky's Story; Chapter 1

._ oaky clambered up on to the mating stump, a massive tree that had been felled in ancient times, well over a hundred years ago some of the sages said, and had served as a place of gathering ever since. dozens of toad-folk had gathered there.

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Chapter 31: Through the Darkness

But those who worshipped her in ancient times knew well the darker side of her gentle benevolence. murals still stood in the ruins of her temples, depicting the yellow fire of her anger, the bright wrath in her eyes.

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Black-Winged Angels Chapter 13: A New Lesson in Draconic Strategy

Seeing how it happened in ancient times, i can say no dragon alive would know this. oh, and about avet, he's a half-blood. that's the only way to go through the line without being impulsed to go back.

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War of men

Old ones kept telling us those stories, about how man had broken the pacts that existed since ancient times. on those pacts, we were allowed to take what we needed for our community, and they would kill only our weakest ones.

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Marillion - Chapter 1

I was surrounded by small bushes and scattered around me were trees of ancient times. their presence was quite looming over my resting body, as if they were watching me. deciding if this new creature that was suddenly and inexplicably there was a threat.

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Astral High - Chapter 42

It's a journal, written in some ancient time. i don't care for the time frame as much as the knowledge inside of it. the person who wrote it basically founded the explanations for why magic works the way it does."

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A visit from Twilight

That, or getting a lot of unicorns to pool their magic together, like they had to do in ancient times to raise the sun and the moon.


Orelai- On the Mountaintop

So in ancient times before everything was really understood and when might made right, it only stood to reason that manifestors would be treated like god-like beings.

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