'A Dream'

#7 of original writing a free write that i did while listening to eluvium's 'prelude for time feelers' <3 writing © munchypaws within the melody as you sleep, drifting away with faith and time.

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#3 of original writing an old piece of writing i did a couple years ago in school :3 writing © munchypaws open eyes, open mind, soaring through the midnight sky, entranced, with stars igniting, colors rushing.

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Writers crossing writing prompt submission for the week starting 8/22/19 and ending 8/29/19 by @voidvixenwriting prompt this week:-you are a fresh junior researcher at nasa.

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Writing Advice: What Makes You Write?

writing advice: what makes you write? or, alternatively titled: why do you want to write?

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The feedback on salazzle dazzle has been stellar thus far, and... honestly, it's restored a lot of my faith in my own writing.

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$$ Writing Commissions Available $$

I have been writing creatively for almost ten years, with every year that has past seen myself growing and perfecting my craft.

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Lil Wolf - Broken Black

Claws of onyx pressing down digging, clawing, scratching down. Eyes of jade flicking 'round glancing, staring, looking 'round. Tail of charcoal tightly wound twitching, wriggling, singly wound. Fur of crimson dripping unbound digging,...

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Its one of those nights. When the weight you've been ignoring pokes out its ugly head and decides it no longer needs to remain quietly shifting your shoulders. Distracting you from happier thoughts and shoving its gnarly visage into your sights, always...


Stories in Six Words

#2 of writing prompts prompt #14 from the writing prompt group was to write a bunch of six word stories. so here are a few i threw together. these were surprisingly fun to do. also, i'm going to apologize in advance for the sixth one.


Poem #56: Inspiration

_Inspiration_ The wind is flowing Through my veins I feel Rushing up through my chest Quivering at the top It's going to burst And the mess it makes Will enlighten humanity My hand trembles With ink against the page Slashes and curves and...

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Sometimes, I sit here and ponder how my imaginary friend that I put on paper would act in response to an imaginary stimulus. How would combat would work if we could shoot flames from our fingertips? How much slowly immolating hate can a good man take...

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Draft 3 (and beyond): this draft is where i begin to polish my writing. if i am writing a simple short story without a lot of plot, i may only polish it once or twice.

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