A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:45
gnu tried to sway her from exploring such a negative mindset when it came to dealing with her dreams. that negativity, according to him was probably the greatest food source when it came to her nightmares.
A Different Path: Chapter 2
The boar pushed a button on a display table behind him which played a short animation of a lioness attacking and killing a wildebeest calf. judy's mouth dropped. "ewww!" exclaimed the class in unison. _'this can't be real.'
A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:52
gnu, but she only managed to make it to three before the building excitement and fear inside forced her to blurt out an awkward explanation. "my book! remember my book?!"
Anthem Of The Lonely Act 4 - Day Of The Dead
Safe to say it angered the gnu (wildebeest) trinity soldier, getting him to charge with a heavy baton. but he didn't even move to avoid it.
A BRCF Volunteer's Log
Feel free to shred it apart ;) you may also visit my site for an article on this novel, flight and wyvern / dragon stuff in general: https://jubatian.com/articles/making-a-wyvern-soar/ licensed under either creative commons by-sa (share alike) or gnu general
Outbreak to the Sky
This story (again) is licensed under either creative commons by-sa (share alike) or gnu general public license version 3 (these are roughly equivalent by intentions, but incompatible), so you can spread it however you wish!