Fugitive's Trust Chapter 5 Part 2 of 2
When the chance presents itself, she takes up with an escaped vykati slave and tries to make her way back to drtithen.
Fugitives' Trust Chapter 9 Part 2 of 2
When the chance presents itself, she takes up with an escaped vykati slave and tries to make her way back to drtithen.
Fugitive's Trust Chapter 4 Part 1 of 2
When the chance presents itself, she takes up with an escaped vykati slave and tries to make her way back to drtithen.
What Once Was Eden: Chapter 5 Part 4 of 4
When the chance presents itself, she takes up with an escaped vykati slave and tries to make her way back to drtithen.
Fugitive's Trust Prologue Part 1
Who built it still isn't known, but it was the vykati that built it into the military compound it became.
What Once Was Eden: Chapter 6 Part 1 of 3
When the chance presents itself, she takes up with an escaped vykati slave and tries to make her way back to drtithen.
Fugitive's Trust Chapter 10 Part 1 of 2
When the chance presents itself, she takes up with an escaped vykati slave and tries to make her way back to drtithen.
What Once Was Eden Chapter 3 Part 2 of 2
When the chance presents itself, she takes up with an escaped vykati slave and tries to make her way back to drtithen.
What Once Was Eden Chapter 1 Part 1 of 2
When the chance presents itself, she takes up with an escaped vykati slave and tries to make her way back to drtithen.
Fugitive's Trust Chapter 8 Part 1 of 2
He answered it to discover three vykati dressed in very expensive clothing.
Lady Valana's Plan
"it's targeting the vykati leader and his daughter." lady valanna answered. the liaison didn't bother correcting her superior's mistake. if the leader wanted to think that sajani was benayle's daughter, there was no harm in it.
Fugitive's Trust Chapter 6 Part 2 of 2
When the chance presents itself, she takes up with an escaped vykati slave and tries to make her way back to drtithen.