Enemy, Chapter 2

Navigation was operable, though useless without the sensor array. life support and weapons were both working well enough, though both were pointless on the planet's surface.

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Preview of Mana-arachnid. May 23 Monthly.

She hissed, stamping the offending footwear down, even balancing with her staff so she could reach with her hand to try and tug one off, already knowing it would be useless

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Of Men and Dragons: Chapter 27

"so, how about you go on for another week and if you still can't learn the basics then you can call yourself useless." william's head jerked up, looking at the smirking dragon with confusion, probably expecting more useless words of encouragement.

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Lab Animal

I hissed, fur bristled; claws extended, i lashed out, claws rendered useless against the leather hide. the hands grabbed be around my middle and dragged me out of my cage.

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Jewel: Prologue

Slagar's broken, useless limb further delaying his possible escape from malkariss' kingdom; the disfigured fox tried to put on a little more speed, breaking into a pathetic, shuffling half-limp.

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'useless, useless' vash said 'you all wasted your ammo with the exception of this guy he said pointing to the cowering weasel. 'how do you know?' a look of shock coming across all of their faces.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 38

Love heart was tearing up, "and it was my fault...all my fault for being such a stupid, useless so called leader!"


The Journey Out

"useless glass to go along with my useless gold axe," i taunted as i dispatched the first one with a series of quick thrusts to the torso. i turned to his partner and asked from the shadows of my cloak, "ready to fight one-on-one?"

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 54

Normally i'm not that fond of useless torture, but for him i'll make an exception. that pest has been nothing but a thorn in my side since i got here, and i think he owes me a scream or two, wouldn't you agree?"

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Into the North

Eyes narrowing as ears pan back she can not help but be thankful she is too out of breath to curse the need for wearing such useless things.

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