Memorial Day in Devout America

(especially if a family member is in the armed forces and is on active leave), sunday is much more somber, as sermons nationwide often honor local men who died fighting in the field.

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Inauguration Day in Devout America

It should be noted that unlike the previous u.s. presidential inaugurations, which moved the date to january 21st if january 20th scheduled on a sunday, inauguration day occurs on a sunday regardless.

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fall writing challenge - friday the 13th

And when the date lands on a thursday, saturday or a sunday, i don't get in trouble. but when the month starts with a sunday, i can already see the cogs turning in people's heads. in case you weren't aware by now, i am a black cat.

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Brace for Impact Ch.3

He replied, "no problem, we gotta look out for each other, and we'll take them down for good in our match on sunday." he shook my hand and raised it in the air.

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Kit Turner’s Guide to Race Weekends (Ahead of the Pack Preview)

On sunday, it's down to business. race day. cup races start at noon local time, but that doesn't mean that we get a lazy morning to lounge around.

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Lucas Stewart’s Guide to Stock Car Racing (Ahead of the Pack Preview)

But the upshot is ya can go to your local dealership and buy a car like the one we race on sundays, minus the roll cage and custom fitted seat.

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Scents in The Wind

#2 of the starry field herd (shorts) tom found himself wandering around the valley in a sunday afternoon, and soon was in a very familiar place. tom didn't have much to do on a sunday afternoon.

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Daily Tale 07/28/14: Parkour

#3 of daily tale alright, i'm sorry for missing sunday but i've decided that from now on saturday and sunday are days for me as they're not business days.

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Life by The Page 5

It seemed like there were less people around than usual but then again that was normal for a sunday. he noticed that people tended to stay in on sundays not including himself evidently. after a few hours of silent observation his head began to hurt.

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_because it's sunday,_the egg responded. _no alcohol on sunday._ the rabbit stopped. "am i talking to my breakfast?" he mumbled. _you are,_ the silent plate "said" back. leonard groaned. what in the hell did he drink last night?

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Love at Twin Oaks Pt. 1

She looked out from under her lashes at the handsome young buck who was her driver and date on this beautiful sunday afternoon.

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Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Twenty Two

_ it was sunday afternoon. i was lying on the couch, half asleep, while a rerun of _shikai warriors: jaws of heaven_ played on the tv. i had no idea what the story was, but that was fine.

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