Update, if anyone actually cares.
I will be looking into starting over and rewriting my story from the start. not sure when and if i will but i will leave what i have up just incase anyone actually likes to read what's there.
rewriting pages of golden history! these kinds of thoughts bug me even today; what man keeps doing is great mystery!
Prompt 27 I stoped walking
This is my rewrite of i talk, i walk, i talk. hope you like it. i walk, i talk, i walk. i past trees, past leafs, past pasts. i i stop, to see. another me. i nothing is said, i walk on later, him under an apple tree.
Outside Lookin In- Description.
I'm attempting to rewrite what i remember to try and save the stories and characters. in this we follow a young man named kyle and he has a secret.
Rainfall - Chapter 03
(i shall rewrite the older chapter in the near future too) you can also find me on [[twitter]](https://twitter.com/philipribbs) / [[reddit]](https://www.reddit.com/user/philip_ribbs) / [[furaffinity]](https://www.furaffinity.net/user
Untitled (11/11/11)
My poetry, this one ain't great, it was a fuck you i wrote to a ex gf, it is angry and bile filled, just adding it cause its something i wrote, the events pass, the past is written, the past is static, its set so common sense says, but not for you, you rewrite
Dewey Zero-One 05: Triple Threat
In fact, years ago, i started a rewrite after recognizing that i was making a mess of things, but ran out of time during the first chapter. i still have the rewrite.
Y always U...
Coursing casual pains, each breath sent soulful streams to my shaking hands again, shadows left me hollow once more, i had nothing left for demands pleading at heart, pride tearing apart, i ache for no ones sake, jus longing eternally to erase what is, & rewrite
Rust River Valley Rail Crossing Three, Pop. 527
#45 of poetry i have never met a sad folk song that i didn't want to rewrite to be sadder. from the valley they say you are going i can see why you would.
Protector of the Planet
I will not of course rewrite the whole book with my involvement, that would take to long and be plagiarism. every warrior lives very long lives. protectors live for 50,000.
I've been holding back on projects like the rewrite of feathers with benefits and other, larger, concepts. "i'm not ready yet." but i did it once before, didn't i? and now i know even more. "i need more practice."
Chapter 3 fall of man dawn of a new age Rewrite by Raven Fox
I hope you guys and gals like these rewrites. raven fox