World of Terra Syn, part 1

After the crown war, between two kingdoms of elves the orcs revolted and threw off their chains.

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Ioborne: Chapter Six

"i think the destruction of europa and the revolt on luna are linked. the possibilities are limited to several megacorps who have capabilities and lack of moral compass.

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Chimera - Chapter 2

While he dwelt on those revolting thoughts, he didn't see that his colleague also got down on his knees to tidy the jumble. and when he finally noticed him, he said nothing.

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History of The Game

After dropping ratings, an attempt to deny entry to the porcupines met with fan revolt and a very popular petition to keep them, supported by many protest groups.

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Chapter 2 - Occupation

"none of the terrans must revolt against the system, otherwise we would surely have chaos" whispered obsidian after a long silence. diamond looked at obsidian with an almost cowering look, he stared as if he was going to make a plea.

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Chapter 10

"thank you, every one of you," the president was starting to tear up, "for not abandoning hope, for fighting to the last breath, for revolting against the attackers.

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Wolves' Legacy 3: Chapter 7

Ensalder winsel broke that system and caused the revolt." "that traitor has nothing to do with this whole situation." "he started the revolt."

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The House on Rainbow Road - 08 - Rachel

The mist surrounded her and clung to her skin in close in a way which revolted her. when at last she opened her eyes and dared to breathe again, it took everything rachel had not to begin a tirade of swearing.

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Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 63 - A simple touch...

Still, the rla seized power and therefore the government so technically, they were revolting against them... but with good reason... my people didn't fought for what they believed in, unlike them... they fought for their very existence...

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Surviving Solitude part 11

Now, i'm not to say a word to revolt, for i can go on his death list in an instant. \* \* \* the rest of the day went by without much conflict between anyone. we've been lazing around time to time, but not much to do since it was nearing winter.

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Gone and Come Home Ch.3

But, when i tried to move, a searing pain in my knee, neck, and side revolted against my brain and caused me to be fully awake and aware.

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A Bronze Rising: Clandestine Policy

It might even provoke open revolt. a village becoming independent of its parent country is just not something that happens, even if a dragon is involved." i squared my shoulders, sitting up straighter.

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