Owning My Humanity -- Commitment

I wanted to begin at the end, and reap the rewards... or was it simply that i wasn't happy with the rules? it became confusing, and distracting, thinking about the logistics of my failures, and depression was a weight on my soul.

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The Aether

These great reapers turned earth and the many billions of other worlds in to farms; reaping the crops with every passing life.


The games: Chapter 6- How to meet your enemies...

Every single reaping reader was a lopunny. this time, the chosen were from island 4, if he remembered correctly. the pokémon was a sneasel and an absol. the sneasel immediately went to the riolu while the absol, like brey, went straight to shadows.

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After the End chapter three: Monster

He dared approach me, and he reaped the rewards. do you know where he is now, sonspawn? wrapped in gleipnir in my place. he gave his freedom to let you live. would you squander that so easily?" there was a dangerous glitter in his eye.

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Haida's Chronical, Ep.1

A hard lesson to learn but something i'm ok being part of now that i've reaped the benefits of white-collar employment. sitting on the balcony of my apartment as i write this, the calmness of night envelops me.

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Serval and Sheep Prologue: SIDE SERVAL

And tomorrow, i finally get to reap the fruits of my labor and become noah's arc academy's student council president. how am i so sure i'll win? well, my victory is merely the result of a year-long plan i have set in motion.

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The Games: Chapter 4- The Waiting Game

I haven't eaten anything since lunch yesterday, which was about three hours before the reaping. that was only comprised of two apples. my mind goes back to effie yesterday when she was giving us the daily schedule."

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A Change In Perspective

"look, you reap what you sow, and what you chose to sow was the full suite that comes with being a two-timing dickweed, so here you are."

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I knew that i would benefit them greatly, but that cost to me was still too great for whatever i would reap.

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Black and White – Chapter 3: Discovery.

James confessed he added the reaping of his mornings to the protein shakes he sold at the local fruit juice bar because it made him feel sexy. he's another husky, and at the very least, doug would say james looked delicious. the rest, bizarre.

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Write it Down

Sow things, reap them ... make something of them. a day at a time." "you're losing me," he whispered, shaking his head. "i don't ... adelaide, don't ... what are you ... " "i'm saying not to worry about it.

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Chapter 1

You are all so obsessed with expanding, owning, taking over and destroying that you cannot see the damage you reap upon your world. however, i am once again getting off topic. magic is everything.

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