The Apartment Complex

This story and it's characters (to come in next chapter) is copyrighted to me. Please do not redistribute without my consent. And for you dirty perverts, there's no yiff in this... yet... The Apartment Complex - Ch. 1 5:51 am and I'm fucked...

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the first story I've made public, and I would love to get some comments about it ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ He sat up in bed with a hard gasp, his chest rising...

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For Love of Love 9: A New Begenning

_Love seeketh not itself to please, Nor for itself hath any care, But for another gives its ease And builds a heaven in Hell's despair._ **William Blake** ...

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A Soldiers Story 2 - Measure of a Man

Sorry for the lateness of the story! Took a while to figure out what I wanted to have happen and such. Oh yes, and I finally came up with a name for the two sides of the war. Ena is the name of the opposing army, while Allesa is Shadow's side. ^..^...

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A Story for Dogs

It had struck Jamie that his human could not see what he was going through. The child and his parents had loved Jamie, that beloved golden retriever for many years. Mr and Mrs. Davidson had loved and cared for that animal but their thirteen-year-old...

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immortal 4

The world we observed was shifting every day. The balance of power was in the fate of a few. It was also a more simple time. Less action was being taken. They seemed to be more focused on breaking the system. Veemon, Patamon and I watched...

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The Gates of Hell I- Reunion

Well I saw Avatar and decided that the ending was wrong, fact. So I was inspired to start my own story series based roughly off Avatars plot and here it is. Let me give a big shout of thanks to all my freinds who let me use their...

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Workin' Them Angels

"Through with the second semester," the wolf exclaimed as he received his grades- all A's, with the exception of a withdrawal from a math course. (Math was unimportant to a History major like the wolf and he was math-illiterate so what did it matter to...

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Rust Belt Tails III: Trial Under Fire

This was the kind job that nobody actually wants, if they can help it. But after months of living at his mother Maria's expense for food and lodging, he needed to reutrn a portion of his living expenses to Maria and that meant, of course, finding a...

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Witch Hunt

Setting: Salem Town, Massachusetts, 1693 The air was tense as the three accused witches were brought to appear before the jury. Having neither the money or room to build a courthouse, the Puritans were forced to use a hill lit by torches as their...

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My Nightmare

WARNING: This story is practically the polar opposite of all my other ones, anywhere you felt happy and inspired in the others, you'll only feel sad and depressed in this one. So if you read it, don't yell at me for it, it was only a dream I had after...

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Sin Nombre

It wasn't that he had any fondness for the syndicate - far from it - he was under no illusions as to the nature of society, and what that meant for the rights of the individual. He lived in as much fear of the midnight call, of the irate enforcer, of...

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