Punk Rock Talks Shop: A Roadie Prequel
But, porn is porn so those elements are rarely explored. i've seen a few manga dive into it, and i've enjoyed them (though i can't remember their names). so i wanted to take a stab at it.
Zero's the Unsung Hero - Part One - Intro - Seemingly Harmless IT Technicians and a War on Red Team
He closed out the sixteen different porn sites the principal had open, and asked, "what were you doing just before it stopped?"
Political Corruption
His credit card bill shows that he spent over $6000 some of it going into the purchase of pornography. is this setting a good example? is this how people should be running a country? do we want pornography driven politicians?
Outside Looking In- Chapter One- Kyle's secret
I found ways to look at porn by using a few tricks i heard the other guys mention when they were watching porn. sure enough they worked and i was able to view most sites. the trouble was that i didn't like any of the straight sites.
Disease, Chapter 1
I will mark said sections, so all 2 of you who don't want porn, or those who aren't 18 or older, can skip these totally not-plot-essential parts. no porn yet.
Shrinking the plagiarist
"but hey, you're now going to star in your own series of micro porn," i mocked, while taking a couple pictures.
Hope is like a shield.
Printing pornography was a death sentence! with the penalties for porn so severe, no printer would dare to print a book with that text in it.
Gap Year: Segregated
#3 of gap year a shorter chapter this week, but i posted a porn spin off to make up for it so check it out when if you're into porn. we spent a couple days in edinburgh, relaxing and getting adjusted to the time difference.
Chapter Two: Preparing for the first game.
Anyways, about the dragon porn. i accidently clicked the wrong thing, and got routed to a porn site. i'm tired, so i'm gonna sleep, later!" not beleiving a word he deleted the email, then reading an email from the coach.
Vagabond - Chapter 1
"well, i read about half way through the first chapter, but i stopped when i realized it was a fuckin' porno!" "but it's got such a good plotline-" "it's still a porno!" "so? the plotline is good!
Bigger, Badder... Crazier
"the prostitutes did well last year, so i'm sure a couple porn stars will do ok." amy (pink vixen) & hector (red bear)- porn directors. "we're not used to being on camera." amy says. "we're mostly used to being behind the cameras." "yep."
Disease, Chapter 2
I will mark said sections, so all 2 of you who don't want porn, or those who aren't 18 or older, can skip these totally not-plot-essential parts. no porn yet. dyno woke up slowly, the groginess of sleep lingering.