Power pet (Chapter 5)
I will never slay or "finish off" a power pet! none have been so evil as to quickly do away with me and i am not going to be one of those... why do i keep fucking with myself? when will i ever get the chance to kill a power pet? a puppy or a kitten?
Power pet (Chapter 4)
#4 of power pet next part, hope someone enjoys this! \*about four hours later, late night\* awaking in a frenzy, my mind was showing me images of karson and his scorpion. it was as if it was threatening me...
Power pet (Chapter 3)
She gave me a gentle pet on the nose. she softly lifted me and headed to the base of her tree. a small table, chairs, and a trailer were organized at the trunk.
Power pet (Chapter 2)
If i have to be a power pet ever again, i will kill myself. nothing else seems like a worse punishment. no human will ever shackle me again!
fox and mistress
Well one night I hear a noise and I look my fox is scratching at the door wanting to come cause it is raining, I go over and let him in and he says thank you mistress i ask him how long has it been raining for and he says not really long mistress. He...
how to clean your pet dragon
Hello dear readers .im a minotaur an like some some of u i have a pet and he is a dragon.
The Socks
Lola tenderly slid the collar around her pet's neck and clasped it nice and tight. she thumped the bell with her index finger and the tinny ringing made something click inside rika's mind.
Master Stinky - part 4
"now pets of the skunks love what?" master stinky asked "pets of the skunks love the stink..." they all said in unison.
Master Stinky - part 3
"now pets of the skunks love what?" master stinky asked "pets of the skunks love the stink..." they all said in unison.
Master Stinky - part 2
Master stinky whistled and yelled for his new pet. "here boy..." willis comes from behind the tree and picks up master stinky and begins to pet and praise him in front of his smelly friends.
Demonic Wish
Wind blows and whispers threw my white fur. As People storm from the village near by, screaming," Demon! Demon!" My paws grasp the gravel and dirt as I run in the opposite direction. Dogs soon surround me. I snarl as my four tails lower,the moon...
This is mine meaning it belongs to Will E. Fox etc. This piece is about a message and I would always like some feedback. A fox stands in front of a mirror and considers his own image. He looks at his black tipped ears and touches one of them,...