Justice Kitty Biography

Basic Information: Name - Lillian Amara Lioness Age - 28 Height - 5'9" Weight - 150 pounds Species - African Lioness Hair/Head fur - No hair, just her head fur Eye color - Golden Occupation: - Secretary Hometown - Sursu City Superheroine...


A Servant's Heart, Chapter 2

Chapter 2 The sun was further down the horizon by the time Meriah woke again. There were no other dreams to haunt her sleep and when she woke, she felt as refreshed as ever. Her bed was in the far corner of the cabin right under one of the many...

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I should know, for i am nodos, one of the fifteen original composers. i had originally written this letter as an apology to you, my dearest mother and father.

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Chapter 17 Part 1 History of Shadows

There were originally three of us but one fell. the life was leeched from him when anirin teleported away." his voice dropped. "if it is all the same to you, i will be taking my leave to recover his body." cyndrithil nodded his head.

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Shazta and Fang

The sound of the humvee pushing forward hard was loud and I turned to look at Shazta with a grin. "Looks like we succeeded in another mission, huh?" The black and white husky just grinned back at me with a silly look, "Yup," he set his paw down on...

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A Servant's Heart, Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Time didn't seem to matter where Meriah was, and flashes of awareness blended with dreams and nightmares. There were images of times long past, playing in the forest with Lyria as she was taught the rudiments of keeping game. More recent...

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A Servant's Heart, Chapter 16

Chapter 16 Strong Soul untied the knot just beneath her bent left ear and unwrapped the shemaugh from around her head. Sand fell from the woven cotton to the deck panels as the main hatch closed behind her. She was starting to get used to being...

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Endless Love

At the end--when our life is about to run out--will we look back and regret that journey? Or will we find joy in each day? --Dragon Proverb Chapter Twenty-One Arapha peered through the tiny hole in the wall of fallen boulders, watching as the...

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Typheks Origins

This is the origins of typhek, a tyrannosaurus with a shaded and mysterious back story. reptiles, documented with the earliest appearance of 320-310 million years ago, are traditionally known as the reptilia.

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Lykos-Redemption Foreward

The following is an account of the origins of the kind under our care, as well as our origins. it is as historically accurate as i could gather. when the twelve and their kin left us, they took much of their history with them.

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Origins of R.C.

#1 of origins this is the origin story for r.c. fox origins of r.c. the beginning of someone special a long time ago, there was a young fox cub. he was a very unique fox cub considering that there are very few foxes that are black and white.

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Bioshock, origins of a Cyborg Wolf, Part one

#3 of bio this is the start of bio's tail bioshock, origins of a cyborg wolf, part one i shot up from my bare mattress in the dark, my 'limbs' whirring softly with the jerking motion.

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