Frost - Chapter 1
"crystal," hexin muttered as he pressed the notebook to the table and slid it across the surface. "watch the glass, you worthless scum; it's probably worth more than your whole house." he caught the notebook and flipped through the pages.
The Accidental Artist
As vince hurriedly packed his laptop, he accidentally knocked over his notepad. the notepad landed on the floor, right in front of his desk. once he realized the notebook fell, vince panicked.
Of Bulls and Vixens - Chapter 1
Ingrid took the notebook and read what he had written. 'yes' ferus walked into the classroom and immediately noticed ingrid passing a notebook to nox. 'what are they up to?'
Wolf E. - Prologue and Chapter 1
He pulled up into the schoolyard just as the bell rang and had to hurry to class, but not before stopping a moment to write down in his notebook what he had come up with on the way there...
Ra's Enemy
Isaac closed his notebook; he had been working on it since he had gotten home. the college student stretched out and stood up; he grabbed his notebook and put it on the counter.
Existence in Peril- Chapter 1
I have almost filled an entire other notebook with the story and also looking for another notebook to continue that with. why? because i can take the notebook wherever, which means, most importantly, school.
Sci Fi Short Story: "Paper"
I remembered the paper notebook my grandfather gave me years ago. the notebook held several accounts from times when the world was supposedly a different place.
The Love of A Wolf
Dave said you too, then he noticed a notebook sitting on blade's nightstand. "what's that?" "oh nothing, just some writting i do, i'm not very good yet" blade said. dave grabbed the notebook and flipped through.
The Interviews - Dr. Noire
The interviewer closes his notepad and glares at noire. "need i remind you that you agreed to this series of interviews."
The Old Man
I stared hard at these words, written in decorative cursive that the old man had given to me on a paper that had been torn out of his notepad.
My Pen, And My Choice
With a soft sigh, he set his pen aside and gently closed the notebook on the last tear-stained page. idley, he pondered his options.
The Interviews - The Timeline
He pulls out a second notepad and opens it to the first page. he writes, "timeline," at the top and underneath it, "the early stages." "noire corp's history has a beginning and it starts with dr.