Juryokine: Exile of Heroes, Chapter Thirty Five
._ a morbid thought, but he was feeling rather morbid. even so, the calm, rhythmic splashes of the water called to him. _drink... drink_, it seemed to say.
Orphaned Memories
A streak of lightening like a chasm through the morbid sky, and roar of thunder shook the trees outside. i roared, equally loud, in response. _i don't want to remember, get out of my head..._ i thought, a little irritated now.
The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Thirteen
Then suddenly, a huge fire ball erupted into the middle of the soldiers, dreary clothes lines and clothes as well as other things signifying poverty suddenly went up in a blaze and where sent flying as a great and morbid scream came from the mob.
Warm Up - 4
Some things happen there, unspeakable and morbid. and i'd rather not think about it for now. gonna go off my merry way. this is baxter, and i'll see ya in the next one. i'm smiling also, so there's that.
I Met a Modhuman Once
morbid it may sound, but i was fascinated. i would've liked to have investigated further, but sadly madame soon bustled away to speak to a foreign dignitary of some kind, and i could learn no more.
Welcome to Nexus: Chapter 6
She realized this and began to draw a picture...it was morbid...
The Last Resort Story - Prologue (text)
The last resort would seem a rather morbid name for a beautiful beachfront retreat, to the casual observer at least, but there was a very particular reason behind its unusual handle and it had everything to do with marketing.
Those Bygone Dog-Star Days - Chapter 23 of 37
I thought, morbidly. "caleb?" i snapped out of the daze i had fallen into, "can i go get something to drink?" "sure," dad squeezed my shoulder, "vending machine's just down by the elevators."
Halloween Tail: The Pup Experiment
Ryan crept slowly up the corridor, one lower paw after the other, looking due to a mixture of desire to escape, and pure morbid curiosity.
Savannah Blues (Prelude). Chapter One.
Isaac always found it a bit morbid as he walked up to take the tiny thimble sized paper cup of juice and square shaped bread. morbid that one would eat the body of christ and drink his blood.
And once again, there was just the slightest familiar tingle of morbid curiosity, excitement, awe, or fear--quite possibly a combination of them all. "so you decided to show?
Exile - Chapter 2: His Story
"Just great Gabriel, you've done it again!" , Gabriel said to himself. What a bloody genius he was. He had been told to cooperate, but no, he just had to try to escape. Not only did he fail, but he barely got two feet before being harshly reminded...