About, only in place, as time leaves me stuck among the many thoughts long waiting for completion, or closure i let tired eyes wander about the buildings of burdens, ever reaching further into the mental darkness never in clear exposure amid the middle of melancholy
Why Can't The Lone Wolf Howl?
. :) in the dark melancholy corners of abandoned buildings, is where the lone wolf resides. the pack hasn't called for him in months.
Lost Silhouettes
Skies painted grey day after day steeped in sorrow never departing not until morrow; a place a space a paradise a thing of mystery an escape from the melancholy but where oh where has morrow flown to?
New Map | by KitsuneJey
__"_ sang m83's new map, while the path was beginning to tread itself with shades of green before the hopeful melancholy of my sight..., hoping to bond with my travel partner..., with my travel partner old or new..., with my travel partner old and new...,
The Actor
If only i understood why they come, would my melancholy end? would i lift my head higher? could i face the audience without a mask covering my ugly self and flying feet? i will focus on the show i preform, the words i say.
Each and every day i wake as though i was dead hours dragging on like days making all that i do disappear in a haze the cloud of melancholy hanging above my head sapping me of emotion until i feel nothing and only want death how can i keep looking for
Vignette: Snow
She imagined he was still there, slowly releasing his melancholy and allowing his thoughts to swirl intrepidly with hers in the snow.
Fog enclosed the city as it enshrouded her mind, enveloping her in doubt, melancholy and fear. she remembered the stars twinkling overhead in all those times she went camping, doing fieldwork.
A Fox's Family (Intermission 1)
Hym's melancholy attitude had led him deep into a bottle and sebastian's money and interest in an adventurous lifestyle had sent the pair on more late nights than either of them could even attempt to remember.
Chasing the Sun - Chapter 54: A Pile of Snow
Kevin was pleasantly surprised that Joseph turned out to be one of the project supervisors. This was the third project he got, and he must say, he was satisfied. The work was manual and demanding, and on some days, he slept on a pile of tarps behind...
Chasing the Sun - Chapter 53: Let Us Meet Again
No words were exchanged, yet they smiled in melancholy, reminded of the time they spent together. ...and yet... kevin took a deep sigh. he still did not know what to do or what to make of them now. this hurt, but also soothing in a way.
100 In The Previous Episode of Sethkyllya
Taking a light aircraft to the outpost, sethkill locates terrowne, who appears perfectly normal and human but is in a melancholy mood and has presumably been exiled there for a reason.