Marco für sich. Irgendwie sind die drei Geschwister und Freunde Geschichte .2

Bevor marco schlief, sah er die tür auf und dr. frank enter whit ein grinsen auf seinem gesicht.

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The Great Prophet Of Zao Chapter 10: the Endless Road

"marco!" i look to my left and see cola waving me over to him. i look back to my uncle and with a smile he says. "go on marco. i'll make sure no one eats your bread." "thanks uncle." i slowly make my way up to cola.

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However, one glance over to marcos and selphie gave an idea why. at least, those two were tolerable and marcos was a cutie. tobias was a diamond in the rough. she was friendly enough with nakita.

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Stolen Heart of Fire chapter 7

marco watched her get into bed. she had no trouble going to sleep and did so very quickly. when she awoke, she felt new life restored to her. she stretched and looked around for marco.

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[Snippet] The Twilight Forest

marco sighed, not really wanting to argue... instead, he continued to follow the pair as they started walking through the forest again. he glanced up at the star-lit sky, half-hidden by the canopy above them.


Engineering, Part 2

marco?can't be..." "yes, it's me. it's marco." "lying." the voice, weak, tear-filled, clearly trying to fight off another nightmare. "it's me, i promise. sniff me. trust your root senses."

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Opponents of Dusk chapter 3; Shut Up

Well i'm rex, this is marco, double d, doc, and scruff."rex said introducing us all."good, do you guys have any weapons?"she asked."if we did i don't know if we would be here..."said marco."


Stolen Heart of Fire chapter 11

I put them all in a box and put it away so marco would not accidentally read them. he had found them, dug them out, and read them.

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Dons Nation 1

W: how do you know what her type is, marco? g: well... i just... enough of that! we need to move on.

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sitzt in der Wartehalle für sein Flugzeug Geschichte .1

"menschen haben dich beobachtet seit einiger zeit, gut, dass du wach bist jetzt marco ich glaube unser flugzeug angekommen ist." "danke für aisha nicht weckte mich früher", sagte marco whit sarkasmus in seiner stimme.

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When Beliefs Collide

When we finished our tale, marco and chris crept off to further dispose of the body. when caleb rose to join them, marco said to stay with me and to never leave my side again. "if you do, i will glue you two together," he threatened.

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