A crocodile on your back

Bound in leather, I was on all fours like someone's pet. My face was now obscured by a musty gas mask that restricted my breathing. The tightly adjusted harness exacerbated my asphyxiation. My wings were tied down with rope. My tailed coiled,...

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The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Twenty Four

Even in her predicament, glenda had been vocal about her disgust for the manticore. she could tell she wasn't the only one, but the others would never speak out against a commander-- especially with the arch-mythic in the state he was in.

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Shadow Stalkers: Thymion Pt. 21

He glanced over his shoulder at the manticore, ''who told you that?'' ''big, red, temperamental...'' she hinted. ''you're staying on?'' thaslon said, his eyes wide in surprise.

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Shadow Stalkers: Thymion Pt. 20

The manticore was still in her battle armour, her helm tucked beneath an arm. her whole crew had spent the last week living off their armour's life support whilst the _warrior_ was in transit to firmament. ''i have some good news.''

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The mightiest of all creatures

The first to born was the mighty manticore. she brought darkness upon the world and with it the peace and silence of the night. stubborn and fearless, she possessed the noble spirit of courage.

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The Anvil of Dawn, Chapter 3: When Our Chains are Broken...

"like a manticore or something?" when twilight didn't respond, the rainbow maned mare snickered behind a hoof. "wow twilight, didn't think you would be afraid of seeing a manticore, not like we haven't fought those before."

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The Grand Adventures of Knight Plum and Her Daring Squire Peaches

A manticore??? who knows my young squire but it is up to us to drive them out! now, my sword." plum motioned behind herself, eyes still fixed on the opening. "uh, yeah i got it in here somewhere."

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Born Of Chaos Ch. 6

As he drew his imaginary circle, a host of manticores, hydras, and dragons; some ball-room dancing, some fencing and some playing chess, took up residence along the villages borders, making sure the ponies didn't leave. "don't go away!

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Meaning "Serpent Lady"

The manticore growled a greeting as tanith poured a pile of mush down his feeding chute. the chimera hadn't touched his meal from the morning, so she skipped him. she walked towards two great metal doors at the end of the hall.

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Anatomical Anachronisms: Chapter 1: Time Tinkering

The royal's manticore tail twitched, almost a wag, as he chuckled. the doctor could dance philosophical circles around him. suddenly he had the oddest thought, that he wished the doctor would start dancing literal circles around him.

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Nightmare, Nightmare Chapter 1

She got up and before she could go further a manticore appeared and roared at her. with barely a thought she grabbed him with her main and through him into the tree and her a crack and his head met bark.

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Battle Plans

"manticore?" "a created species that the magical unicorns themselves are working on, i can do this all day woman." merlin says leaning back in his chair, she shakes her head. "did you alter anything else in their genome merlin?

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