Sieg and Marien - A Basitin Love Story - Part 18 - Attack

In the center of the room was a large bed, upon which lay lyon chariot. lyon's eyes were closed, and he seemed to be unconscious. his breathing was shallow, coming in short, rasping gasps.

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Sieg and Marien - A Basitin Love Story - Part 2 - Seperated

"i am lyon chariot," the soldier declared, glaring down his nose as sieg struggled to get back to his feet. "your 'wife' injured my sweet amber in a ridiculous duel, and i am here to avenge her honour.

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#1 of power fur rangers thought i'd have some fun with tyger, lyon, and leggo's favorite tv show. hope you enjoy

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You haven't listened to them, have you?

lyons, give me a sec." skip was both happy to wait, and would wait patiently for as long as bishop needed, but was also antsy to get the conversation over with.

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The Human War- Description

The army is getting impatient and everyone is looking towards lou, leggo, tyger, and lyon to solve the problem before it leads to bloodshed.

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Poem #36: Where I'm From

This is a pretty common english assignment across the states, but for those who don't know, all of them are based on the format a poem of the same title by the writer george ella lyon.

The Life and Death of August Corcoran

August corcoran and nathaniel lyon had a way of transporting you into their world, and anyone who could have experienced it would have been grateful.

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Chapter 1: Kristen

My name is lyon. i am a 5'11" tall black furred wolf with a white cresent moon mark on my right eye. i am not muscular but most of it is just from being toned. my dad and mom both have the same color fur.

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Pokemon: Academy Days Trailer

Then it was just lucifer fighting a liepard with red glasses and a long black coat along with a black suit and who works for darkly named lyon. lyon grinned as he then went up to lucifer and swiping his claws at him while lucifer simply smirked.

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Chapter III Preview

lyons and rita lopez standing there. "we must go back inside..." alex uttered. "i won't rest until the mystery behind this accursed pyramid is solved!" but, little did he know, the mystery was rapidly deepening.


Savannah Blues (Prelude). Chapter One.

Pastor rick said to the lyons, twin lions. he turned back to isaac and those eyes seemed to bore into his very soul. "and how are you today isaac?" the lion asked in that even powerful tone that seemed to shake the very rafters around them.

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