The Fall of the Rubberbirds

A faint hiss of air pressure was heard as a pair of foot and a half long blades extended from the dinosaur's right wrist while its left hand transformed into some kind of weapon barrel.

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Den of Frost

In silent sadness longing still, for you to hear my call. a ventured paw into the light, withdrawn as quickly when. i see without the dancing eyes, that i long to bring in. i fear my grace is older now i fear my song is lost.

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the quiet of the night

The quiet of the night By Pet Yee The night was quiet with not a single soul stirring from a restful sleep. Though within the silence a lone creature with hollow eyes that stared at an unmoving screen watched. The wox was eagerly waiting,...

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life with a dragon

"well it can't take too long, we have to go to work soon" replies berrwain as he takes a seat in the recliner across from the couch "no, the shop isnt open today.

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Raspberry Line Chapter 17

Six in eve, and already night was beginning to shove its cold, dark nose in the sky. The tinted windows of the library betrayed the actual daylight left, making time within feel thirty minutes forward. Ket sat at his usual...

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That Night in March

We've known each other since we were in kindergarten, it felt weird to be in a relationship with someone i'd known that long. i got there and the party started. we aren't the heaviest of partiers.

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Raspberry Line Chapter 14

A week had passed. This was the first-six-weeks marker, leaving five six-weeks more to go. They were going to get their report cards on Friday, but for now all the tests and quizzes were mostly over with, and they were riding...

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Just Be By My Side (sonnet)

**Just Be By My Side...** As the tides of darkness flow through my heart I search for salvation to rescue thee My emotions errupt, causing the start of my desperate attempt, my love sick plea Though distance is the problem in our love, your...

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In the Shadow of Moonlight - Ch. 2

Maybe she had imagined it, the longing she felt even now couldn't have arisen from briefly seeing a wolf, could it? besides, what would a wolf be doing this close to town?

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The Prophecy of Two: Prologue

Prouder than any other time in my long life. you have sacrificed all for the cause of freedom." asul-carith went to answer but then caught herself. she noticed a bald head and trickles of blood running from the ears and nose of the elk.

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I, Dacien -- Chapter Twenty: Displacement

He forced his eyes open, feeling the lids pull off stickily, and he wondered how long he'd been here.

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