Raspberry Line Chapter 22

The line closed, and the dial tone sounded.

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Raspberry Line Chapter 21

#21 of raspberry line [warning: although labeled as "clean" this chapter does contain activity between minors some may not find agreeable.

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Raspberry Line Chapter 20

#20 of raspberry line emeral sat on her bed, tumbling the little red phone between her palms, and tumbling ket's last, few little words in her mind.

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Raspberry Line Chapter 19

#19 of raspberry line winter break was near. it was wednesday, halfway through, and there was just one more day to go, but time felt like it was moving slower than a turtle going at a snail's pace. recess. winter recess.

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Raspberry Line Chapter 18

#18 of raspberry line dark. ket liked the dark. not in a creepy, morbid way of course. it was relaxing, cleansing, and quiet. he had never really been afraid of the dark, although sometimes it did make him feel a bit anxious.


Raspberry Line Chapter 17

Rasperry line." "i bet that's easy to remember. you actually have raspberries near your house?" "we used to." ket replied, "not anymore."

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Raspberry Line Chapter 16

#16 of raspberry line emeral swirled the water with her finger. it was quiet now. the otter-family and friends had left a few minutes ago, and it was just her and ket now.

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Raspberry Line Chapter 15

#15 of raspberry line "coming!" mrs. brillian called, and let the pen in her hand drop as she stood from the kitchen table. she huffed as her knee banged against the chair, and gingerly limped toward the door.

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The Silver Lining-Part 1

There was smoke above the tree line. seeing the smokes he headed to the source, going from tree to tree.

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end of the line (a tale of depression)

Some people think it's okay to step on others to get what they want, how it's okay to mock others for their courage, three times i was told to shut the fuck so i did something shocking, i rolled up my sleeve and showed the horrors underneath, the deep red lines

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The Silver Lining-Part 3

#3 of the silver lining okay here is part 3, still is clean, so yeah, if you have issues with gays and what not don't read this! also you should read this if your under 18 well cuz this is yiffstar and its for adults only so get lost you minor.

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The Front Line (Warhammer 40k)

Suddenly something shifted in the bushes at the bottom of the small hill riok was looking down; it was just before the right turn where his line of fire and vision was stopped due to the dense plant life.

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