8th official Character

Feral form(size adjustable): real size is that of a liger but looks like as described above just on four legs female form: is amazonian but with middle doubled ds human: stands around 5 foot 10inches black hair white hilights cloaths(only used in cold human


Gryphon Aerie

Have you ever seen how large a liger can get?" i shrug my shoulders not knowing how big they can get, but guessing on cheshire's comment i imagine they are huge.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 23

It was hugs and tugs, and right behind them were contrary heart liger, marina bear and patient heart liger. noble heart smiled, "hugs, tugs, sorry we don't talk much." "i know, it's just," hugs sounded nervous so tugs took over.

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Zootopia: First Salvo part 3

We have four other hybrids in the company, two ligers and two granola, you know grizzly and polar bear mix, which doesn't make me feel so alone and unique.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 4

Both royal heart liger and joyful heart liger had the flu, but thankfully it was in the early stages.

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The Ligers happy days: Day 4

#4 of the liger's happy days (book 1) the 4th chapter in a 7-chapter book in the morning onmy? awoke still feeling full from the meal he had that night. "mmm yeah that was a really good meal last night." he purred out while stretching. "yes it was."

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The Liger's Happy Days: Day 3

#3 of the liger's happy days (book 1) while a few years ago i started this ( after watching the lion guard ) wanted to give a little more adult take on it (3 of 7) in the morning he sat outside near the entrance of his home as punishment for staying out

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The Liger's Happy Days: Day 2

#2 of the liger's happy days (book 1) while a few years ago i started this ( after watching the lion guard ) wanted to give a little more adult take on it (2 of 7) onmy? woke up early in the morning with a stretch.

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Sheer Turmoil Utter Peace: Chapter 2

As the darkness pulled away from the shadowy figure it reviled a ligress (non-anthro) crouched besides the sleeping figure, she wore loose dark blue leggings and a vest closed shut with a belt, she raised herself slightly from where she was crouching and brought

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 33

When patient heart liger had told the rest of the care bear family that he wanted to be a veterinarian instead of helping kids, a lot of them had freaked out and there had been a small fight over his decision, with some even blaming his parents for his attitude


An Unkindly Welcome

AN UNKINDLY WELCOME CH 1 "Alms...alms for the poor." A man calls out to the busy street from a dark and lonely alley. His arm is stretched out, palm up, with a sad and hungry look in his eyes as he pulls his raggedy cloak a little tighter around...

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Why the crow cries

it's a pretty intense story, so just warning you before you read.\*\*\*\*So this is my first short story that I thought was really good or at least somewhat good, and it's not done yet I'm adding on as I go along. So give me your opinion, thanks. ...

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