Second Sight: Chapter Ten: Nulline Metropolis

I said lamely, walking towards them, looking around the dock. "i didn't expect this much...hostility." "you'll get used to it." he replied. "come on; let's go." the car wasn't too large.

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Halloween 2019 - Chapter 2

Kyy noticed there was no hyena on his arm this time, then realised he was staring and hurriedly tried to look away, but quin was already walking over so the cheetah lamely raised one hand and waved.

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Emotinal Crisis Averted?

I know lame right, but it worked. we are gonig to start haingin out again!

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The Gryphon's Goal: Chapter 3, Part 1

"what sampson said, only minus the lame attempt at insulting your gryphon heritage." "thanks, osaze," said larry. "no problem. i'd just call you a feather duster." "_why_ are you my best friend again?"

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Into oblivion

I have good things about me. but i guess i'm just too fucking lame and other shit. eitherway, this poem is just a bit of venting. the root of the issue is my brothers but i'm not gonna get into that. i hope you all somewhat enjoy this.

What I would have done on Totodile Day

Nugget sees this as more interesting than the lame wwe plotline going on, so he sets up his chair and watches it instead.

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The Furry Parable Ch.4 (ending 1)

But, here i'll give you a little test to see how you think of this story. 5 is amazing, 4 is awesome, 3 is good, 2 is lame and 1 is horrible. \*danny chooses number one\* w-what? you think my story is terrible?

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A wolfress and her savior prt.1

I froze up in my own mind, before i knew it, my paw fingers tapped on the keyboard and i saw the sent message, telling him to move onto someone else, i made up some lame excuses before he gave up.

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Next to Last

All the lame cartoon and video game characters go here.

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Sphere City (Chapter 1: Genetics)

It might seem a little lame at first, but once you've read a few chapters, then read this chapter over; you'll find it's not so lame as it seemed at first.

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Evil at Blackwood Manor

I still say your costume is lame, bro." jalor's costume is a suit of armor. or rather, a body suit that was given the look of armor. it's actually pretty cheap.

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Ander - Chapter 3, Subchapter 37

He moved towards the wall at a lame shuffle, but a lame shuffle much faster than any other wolf would have been able to manage, following the scent of ander's blood.

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