Dust, Blood, and Fur (Teaser)

Both wars, at the time, were cold for the most part, with limited confrontation and massive military empowerment. 2018: large-scale conflict in the middle east erupts, soon followed by limited confrontation between the korea's.


In korea, we lose over five hundred. peacekeepers the world over walk through deadly streets, and hope they don't end up dead. in afghanistan, many go, and many don't come back. men and women lost to guns and bombs.

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Zombies are Wankers: Time for Some Backstory (ASH AND CHIP ARE NOW RECURRING CHARACTERS!)

Then, when the third world war started, they were sent to north korea. sheer was vicious and unstoppable in combat, earning medal after medal, killing enemy soldiers with ease.

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Furry Fallout

So in retaliation the u.s. launched all their atlas nuclear missiles then russia, korea, and europe. all launched theirs, and they even launched some from satellites up in orbit.

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unconventional genie story

"they call me that in the land of korea," said the being. "but i have other names. kitsune in nippon. in india they called me kali, though to them, i looked like this," she said, transforming into a many-armed woman with blue skin.

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Off the Record: Rociel's Ramblings

Oh and the korea's are back together when chinese intelligence agents found a connection with the terrorist cell and north korean backers who sponsored the attack, namely kimmy himself.** oh fuck, i can tell that didn't end well...

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Brothers in Arms - When I get to the Green Building

But her mother's only sibling, her uncle greg, was a veteran of korea, and held strong beliefs about the military, and thought that everyone should at least know how to fire a weapon, if not use them regularly.

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Healing for a Spell

#2 of my little pony twilight makes a mistake with a new spell, winds up in korea with a broken leg and a hurt head.

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 2.1 - The Funeral

"yeah she was amazing," obara nodded putting away his phone, "she taught me a lot and i bet others too, not just about korea but also her native ainu home." "mmm."

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"at two thirty five a.m standard mountain time...a declaration of war was issued between north korea against the united states of america. shortly afterward china also declared war on america.

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Astral High - Chapter 21

"i'm sure north korea would make a weapon or two with it." [ted] "i'm sure everyone would make a weapon or two with it. and then destroy themselves in the process." [seth] "well, more like destroy the planet, but yeah."

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A Letter Home

Has junichiro returned from korea? have you finished making repairs to the house after the earthquake? i have arrived in vancouver, and the weather the last few days has been cloudy and damp. i hope that you are having sunny weather at home.

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