#18 of kingdom hearts
sora: heartless !
tsume: oh my god with the heartless
jake: finally some action !
n1: as they ran to help her the heartless dogs ran away
jake: wait !all i wanna do is just kill you !
Kingdom Hearts
#17 of kingdom hearts
##### as they followed sora back to the ship tsume and jake stopped
##### tsume: um sora ...
##### sora: (turn to look at her) whats wrong ?
Kingdom Hearts
#16 of kingdom hearts
shan-yu: now you'll bow to me
jake: hey ugly ! your fight is with us !
Kingdom Hearts
#15 of kingdom hearts
yao: stand back
ling: we'll handle this
jake: you know , im tired of you 3 showing your faces !
Kingdom Hearts
#14 of kingdom hearts
yao: hey , you ain't half bad
ling: a men among man
ping: thanks
then the 3 walked off some were as tsume saw ping looking worried
ping: but the caption
tsume: you mean the one that's coming are way ?
Kingdom Hearts
#13 of kingdom hearts
jake nod and they both hold their hands into the air and shouted the land of dragons as a crown appeared under them as a burst of white energy surround them as they both vanished in a bust of light. as they open their eyes they seem
Kingdom Hearts
#12 of kingdom hearts
seifer: watch where your going !
tsume: sorry seifer
hayner: tsume are you ok?
Kingdom Hearts
#11 of kingdom hearts
tsume: yeah well , about that
axel: oh well if it isn't my good friend roxas , came to play to i see
roxas: leave her out of this axel , or else
axel: or else what ?
Kingdom Hearts
#10 of kingdom hearts
bracelet on his left wrist with several silver pins in it.
olette: and this is pence
pence appears to be a rather heavy-set boy with light skin, brown eyes, and black hair and eyebrows.
Kingdom Hearts
#8 of kingdom hearts
sora: there's nobody here
donald: you mean there's nobody to rescue ?
sora: (sigh)
voice 1: did somebody say rescue ?
voice: 2: shhh!
Kingdom Hearts
Lion: i guess you're right....you could be just what the kingdom needs. maybe you can help us
goofy: you mean take on this scar guy and all those hyenas?
jake: bring it ,on i'm ready!
Kingdom Hearts
#46 of kingdom hearts
red: hello and welcome to kingdom hearts news , my name is red and this is my friend tsume
tsume: hi !
Kingdom Hearts