Pandemic-Day 37 6:52 AM 1/1/2023-Chapter 7-New Year's Day
End log entry seven, journey day seven, pandemic day 37, time is 2:41 pm." raf stuffed his phone back into his pocket and we climbed into the truck.
Pandemic-Day 36 11:43 AM 12/31/2022-Chapter 6-Route Change
I'm not entirely sure if the alternate route i've decided on is going to add any time to our journey, but it's worth it to avoid bloodshed.
Pandemic-Day 35 7:15 AM 12/30/2022-Chapter 5-Camping...Sort Of
He was dressed in the same outfit he'd worn on the start of our journey. his hair was messy and he looked tired. "what smell's so good?",raf asked. "bacon",i replied raf smiled,"even in the apocalypse, bacon survives."
Pandemic-Day 34 1:15 PM 12/25/2022-Chapter 4-Bandit
"There's someone up there",Raf said sounding kind of shocked. To be completely honest, I was as well. Raf and I watched from the truck as the kid stood out in front of the barricade, observing the area underneath the bridge. He also seemed to have...
Pandemic-Day31 5:15 AM 12/22/2022-Chapter 2-Snowed In
I woke the next morning to a dark, chilly hotel room. My entire body was stiff, it was partly from the cold, but mostly from haven driven for sixteen hours the night before. I stretched out a little bit before I sat up, looking around the dark room....
The Origin Of Loud Eyes-Part 1
Dylan, born in the year 1998, was born into a cruel world, infested of the disease of violence, drugs, and abandonment. The young Husky-Dragon hybrid lived with his mother in his early years. He wasn't taken care of very well, unloved, unnurtured. His...
Day 38 3:49 AM 1/2/2023-Chapter 8-Empty Road
Will cameron, an 11 year delta force vet and his brother, 11 year old rafael, a simple suburban kid, survive the cross country journey to silverton, texas? or will they become six's latest victims?
Im try show the journey of one tribe to the sefty land. im hope you like it. begining. 21 december 2012. maj said in that day the world gonna end. the are wrong. that is only begining.
Chapter Seven - What Now?
#7 of part three - a journey through the unknown i awoke feeling surprisingly good despite what had just happened the previous day. i sat up, looking around as i slowly got to my feet. everything seemed really quiet.
Journey of Destitute
journey of destitute by rahne kallon \*\*\* geo dropped to his knees, panting with exhaustion as his feet gave out. his body ached from the twenty-mile trek since he'd journeyed towards denver.
A Journey Among the Highlands
In this poem, a creature tells of his journey among the highlands. redwall is © by brian jacques, all rights reserved.
The Guardians: Backgrounds, Soren J Lennon
He had to end this fast or he would not be able to make his journey to jinnassale. he shakily, began to stand from his kneel, using his sword for balance. lowering his hand from his face, soren stood up and stared at the lion with a menacing look.