Cooper Clan Secrets part 2

I won't say nothing to him but you should.. regardless of how you feel" carmelita snorted" i don't feel anything for him he is just my partner" she said which only made claire laugh" oh yeah if you feel him as just a partner then i must be future pope of italy

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Martina Gambordella

"you're ugly, your clothes barely fit, you're family is poor and should just go back to italy."

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The Bandit Problem

Out in the hills of italy, there once stood a grand mansion, with a great view over the coast and many nearby orchards that were said to produce the ripest, tastiest, and most plentiful fruits in the country.

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The Countryside

My first real attempt at writing anything more than a few sentences (though not by much), being just shy of 900 words, but hey everyone has to start somewhere the countryside anywhere is a wonderful place, even more so in italy during the autumn.

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Leviathan 06: The Small Things

If you protest by stopping work, they'll make it illegal to not work, or they'll import refugees from italy that work for a fifth of the price, non-citizens that can't complain when their co-workers go missing!

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Intermission: Japan to France

Unable to take ship from italy to try and cut off rannoi on his way to africa, they were forced to enter europe.

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There were heros all over, from home to as far as italy. men who would sacrifice themselves for the lives of others. men who would jump on a grenade to save their squad.

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Lovely GardevoirCh.2

"you're in my house, italy, texas. you knocked on my door, said you were looking for me, and then feinted like a little girl." i said with a small smile. "ok, but why am i bleeding?" "because your arm landed on a nail."

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The Interpol Files: Prologue

"three days ago in italy," carmelita began to explain, "i tracked down cooper. he was planning on taking the cup from the racer who had won the last 15 years. turns out that he would sabotage and bribe the other racers so he could win.

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Spare Part's Graveyard

He told me about his rides in greece, italy, turkey, india, and france. a common theme emerged in each one of his idyll descriptions: at some point in each, he had fallen off. "it's just something you have to deal with, you know?"

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Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Bonus Chapter: Halloween

**next time:** amber must convince italy that tomatoes are, indeed, a rare breed of mermaid! the stakes are high because if she doesn't, oprah will drop california on her.

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