Where can Kyruku be found?

Where can Kyruku be found? Kyruku are very scientifically driven, and as such, many times, their career choices and backgrounds will come as a result of their upbringing in their home 'Facilities', deep underground complexes that house millions and...

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What is A Kyruku?

What is a Kyruku? Kyruku are a species of both anthropomorphic and quadruped canines, belonging to the genus Vulpes. There exists amongst them many different sub species, all suited to different climates in the species distant past. Kyruku are a...

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London Calling - Prologue : Live on BBC

The view on the T.V screen flickered for a moment, the image of scenic downtown London as seen from a distance overshadowed by the pillars of smoke that rose from buildings, and the amber glow of flames, masses of tiny human blobs crowding almost every...

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