A Deep, Feminine Kiss

I don't typically love doing self-inserts, but this was fun to write, and there's nothing wrong with a little shameless self-insert every now and then.

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Interlude 10

Las lindas web comic spin-off, oc-insert the characters in this story (except the oc-insert) are © chalodillo **interlude 10** **beta-reader: ant0nius** things were getting interesting. or at least... different.


35: Impact

Las lindas web comic spin-off, oc-insert the characters in this story (except the oc-insert) are © chalodillo **chapter 35: impact** **beta-reader: ant0nius** normally, two weeks are not enough to make a difference.


Task Force - Improvements

The technician inserted multiple ivs which would disperse the bulk of the chemicals into his blood stream and be more efficiently absorbed.

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Michael and Amanda, Introduction

What i'll do is insert a couple of intravenous needles into a vein in each of your arms.

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Interlude 12

Las lindas web comic spin-off, oc-insert the characters in this story (except the oc-insert) are © chalodillo **interlude 12** **beta-reader: ant0nius** **many centuries ago...** chaos was odd.


Interlude 2

Las lindas web comic spin-off, oc-insert the characters in this story (except the oc-insert) are © chalodillo **interlude 2** there are only a handful of things that can manage to annoy carmesi.

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You considered also surgically insert an additional kilogram into your thoracic cavity, but it was already filled with love. you tear your clothes and the pockets and unload them into the water.

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Always Read the Fine Print AND Awakening

As they were inserted, some of the metal arms would quickly release their grasp on the writhing teen they constricted, to grasp one of the newly inserted organs while another arm cut out one of the teen's, the two organs where switched and the teen was stitched


Too Unlucky To Be Lucky (1)

I sit in the pilot's seat of my speeder and insert the power pack, a whole host of warning lights flash up on the dash causing me to frown a little, axle sees my frown.

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Temporal Anomaly

I picture time rewinding, but instead of leaving me stranded, it takes me with it and inserts me into the crowd, making it seem as though i'd been moving with the crowd all along.

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Interlude 3

Las lindas web comic spin-off, oc-insert the characters in this story (except the oc-insert) are © chalodillo **interlude 3** grace happily hummed as she continued to quietly read one of the many new books now surrounding her lying form.

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