Innovation - Prologue, Project Innovate + Chapter 1, Magnetic Sequencing

We watched as more and more families and people joined theorium industries, and the company only grew. this story, is about the machines we made, and the times we had in the workshop.


Chapter Seven - Kethelon City

They were mostly laborers, just getting off from their shifts at the surrounding factories and plants in the industrial sector.

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I had finally reached my destination by now, a bridge that links this beautiful field to another pollution filled industrial estate.

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Inferno High - Chapter 20

[me] "theorium industries has it's secrets. don't worry, you'll find out in a few minutes. onward to the generators!" yet again, we were in motion, down long hall ways and up several flights of stairs.

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Innovation - 4 + 5, Blazing Fire and Indefinitive

The guards looked nervous, but penny, greg, and casper all looked proud to by employees of theorium industries. no, citizens, of theorium industries. _"i hate you."_ "that sounds like a personal problem." _"but not for the reason you think.

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Speak Our Minds

"agriculture and industry. the sign coming into newton county ... said 'where agriculture and industry meet'. wonder where they met. or meet. whichever." a chuckle. "mm ... don't know." "they don't seem like they would get along."


Chapter 1: Welcome to the Rangers

Tyler stated as he looked to the figure in the chair who was none other than tim murphy owner of hammond industries. tim just nodded before walking over to a window overlooking a warehouse interior.

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HSR Notes on the Void Warfare

As the sentillians rapidly standardized their tooling and industry was built up.


Secretary Lunch

"this,' she said calmly, "is lucas bobbins, owner and ceo of bobtail industries. he has a son that is about twenty by the name of mycroft who is to start a business of his own and prove that he is able to someday take over bobtail industries.

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Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 1

However, push on the geneticists did until they had succeeded in reinforcing the human skeleton with strands of carbon similar to carbon fiber in the 21st century of industry.

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WeylandYutaniCorporation Date Log22361AG

Those who could were migrating to other industrial planets.

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