Tania's Boundless Appetite

She worked carefully so that soon only the harbor was left, surrounded by a small sliver of land. with her mouth opened wide she scooped the harbor up into her mouth.

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Final Requiem: Chapter 2

"snowpoint harbor, our ride is there to olivine." will yawned, noting how dark it was getting outside. "i'm going to get some rest. nina will fill you in if you need more info.." only thing left of will was his soft breathing as he drifted off.

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War - Chapter 1 - Shattered

I harbor no illusions that he is a pathetic, selfish, horrible person.

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Zootopia: ZCOPS Sea Knights

We have two otters, two harbor seals and the front gunner is a wolf. that's the standard compliment with all our boats.

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3:21 Contingency Plan

His car, unfortunately, was parked on the opposite end of the harbor. he wasn't about to let his new car's paint-job get ruined by a clumsy dockworker on a fork-truck. he'd parked in an actual parking lot.

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Sense of Self

Yes, it's true this person i harbor deep within myself this person must be me. copy-written to xander bradeshaw

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Butterfly Effect

Then, spurring my interest in furries, i harbored my passion for anthropomorphic art. this year, i looked up my local furmeet and i found my first boyfriend.


"Man In The High Castle" Is Wrong and Unfounded

Once pearl harbor happened, hitler was all too happy to join in and formally declare war on the americans, so as to give u-boat commanders more autonomy on the seas.

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1:24 Eye For An Eye

"i know that your wife's body was found in the harbor, sexually assaulted." he explained. "and your point is?" zias asked. "anyone who reads the papers could tell you that." but the fox wasn't finished yet.

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The silence

Influencing these harbored thoughts that trickle over me like rain. ensuring passions long forgotten echoed faintly through my brain. allowing me to slip away in fantasy, but not dismay.

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Rising Power - Chapter 6 + 7, The Alloy Furnace and Battle Vu'Eltrys

The sharks, dolphins, and orcas all come from the distant islands of garrnackle, far beyond the shores of the alecian harbor.


The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 22

After another hour of finessing the ship against the dock, they had finally dropped anchor in the harbor. the docks here were bigger than those in himmska.

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