Flames: Chapter 9

He needed one of those drinks that helped with hangovers. 'i gotta go into town again... great.' he mumbled, and walked towards the entrance of the cave. he shifted his wing, and jumped, and started to fly towards the near town.

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Your Old Couch From College

The stains, the dirty little secrets, and the hangovers have been scrubbed into my fibers and will stay until you eventually throw me out.


Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 8

Is that really supposed to cure a hangover?" "i wouldn't know about that, but it'll certainly make him think twice about doing it again. say, mind if i join you lovely ladies?" "of course, dear," sarah said.

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Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 9

Is that really supposed to cure a hangover?" "i wouldn't know about that, but it'll certainly make him think twice about doing it again. say, mind if i join you lovely ladies?" "of course, dear," sarah said.

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Death To Nightmare Chapter 4

I have a massive hangover." for once the guards could sympathize with the black alicorn having hangovers before. "ma'am you head back to bed i'll get a healer for you."


Aversion (Prologue)

Since it was getting so late, and i foolishly drank too much knowing that i have work in the morning, i despised already the hangover i knew i'd endure. "hey babe," i had to focus to not slur my speech, "we should get going." "huh?"


A Summer Together Pt. 5

After we got that figured out we went to the kitchen to nurse our hangovers. while we were talking over coffee i brought up my sleep problem and it turns out that she had the same situation too.


Birthday: friends at solstice

Sydney frowned at that, he was his best friend and he didn't like him having peridioc hangovers about being close to tj. jenna texted before speaking to tj a little.

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Carter Wolf - a Fall from Grace , Part I

"the thing about curing a hangover with pepsi and fast-food..." "uh-huh?" "that one, is a myth." - - - continues - - - [\*] that happened in my guardian demons.

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Trading Places

"do you still have that pretoxx pill i gave you earlier to help against a hangover? "pretoxx... h-hangover?" "hey, stay with me." jevin rolled his eyes, prodding the paw that stretched almost three times his height upwards. "the pill.

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Abuse - Introduction/Preview

Ajax then grabs jude's crotch and squeezes his testicles great with force, jude whimpers as ajax continues "don't you _ever_ imply to me that i'm not good enough, i've got a fucking hangover, just get dressed and get your bitchy cross-dressing ass to work"

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Simulation Realities: Problems of a Solar Magnitude

Standing up wiping the puke off my face i said "great, i just get out of ts, so i've got a hangover, and she wants me to do work, she knows me too well."

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