Wayward Scale; The Wasteland chapter 4, Liftoff

A gunshot rings out, and they could see sasha struggle. josh swept her off her feet and ran through the gate. the shuttle's engine could be heard as josh hid himself and sasha behind some rocks.

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After Armageddon Chapter 2

As i fade out i hear a third gunshot and the other man falls down to the ground with half of his head missing. i hear amanda cry out my name. the last thing i feel is her arms around my neck and the agonizing pain of my wound to my leg.

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Kabuto: Chapter two: A Change for the Worse

We gathered supplies and clothes and started to leave the house to find a new place, but we don't get far when we hear gunshots in the air. natelie freaks and i take her hand and run with her into the woods, gunshots zip past us and natelie gets hit.

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Blacklisted Chapter 1: Memories

The only thing he heard was gunshots and people yelling. the transport was wrecked and vince wad knocked out cold.

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Unexpected mates

It took months for us to mate and then, she died from a gunshot." he started to cry. "i know you miss her, but i was thinking we could have a litter this year?" she said.

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Deserted Pt. 5

He felt around with a claw to see what had happened from the gunshot. he couldn't use his paw pads because they were a bit big anymore.

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 20: Ten minutes between Life and Death, Rio's Impossible Dream!

Just then, a red dot appeared on rio's torso and then shortly afterward there was a gunshot. rio heard the gunshot and since he heard it multiple times already, he memorized the gunshot's noise and quickly reacted by diving to the ground.

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Numb and Broken

Siongu kakanim and cath kicabys were found dead of gunshot wounds to the head, cath also having suffered three gunshots to the chest area.

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Derek stood up to leave, but before he took the first step he heard a gunshot and laughter, the sounds of the advent of the "in" crowd. "this is not good," derek thought. the gunshot and laughter had come from the direction of his car.

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Chapter 6: The DOS incident

Sounded a gunshot. "jane?" kit said as jane stood there motionless for a moment, then dropped to the ground lifeless as blood oozed from the side fo her head.

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First 3 Chapters

A sudden eruption of gunshots sounded outside of the school, and tom guessed the police were finally here. katherine was starting to mumble under her breathe. "filthy little dog.." the hooded man heard her.


The Final Assault Chapter Two

There were five of them; each of them fell from a gunshot to the head. "henry, we need to get out of here, it's a death trap in here.

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