A Journey Begun - Chapter 14 - Like Chuck Norris According to the Internet

"Chief, I'm heading to Boston." "So soon? And not even two weeks after you came back from your unscheduled trip to Russia." "Sorry chief, Bureau business. Its just a visit to confirm some low level intel, nothing more. I'll be back within the...

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A Journey Begun - Chapter 13 - A Whole New Ball Game

The raid was to take place that very night. We had no other choice, any longer and we'd risk him escaping. We packed, readied ourselves, then bundled into the sedan we were given by our contact, with Victor behind the wheel, and off we went. I was...

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Scars Ch. 13

My blade strikes down another mercenary, blood stains the ground and walls around me as the body lands onto the ground, I look at the shock and confusion on the face of the dead mercenary just as another mercenary runs up to me. Chris and Patrick,...

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A Journey Begun - Chapter 18 - Invisible Death Force

The base of the Saints was a bigger apartment complex down in the heart of the lockdown zone. The place was abandoned and condemned, even scheduled for demolition, but the head of the Saints, a mysterious man even only know as the Boss, bought the...

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A Journey Begun - Chapter 17 - Know Your Enemy

All over it was chaos. We followed the detective chick as we made our way out, threading our way through the madness that was the hospital waiting areas and hallways. People were shouting across the hall, streaming up and down, running every which way...

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Alcatraz Ch. III ~ Siege

**Decided to start introducing new characters and new points of view. Something I did a while back and I found it made it not only less boring to write but read, as well.** **Stopped doing it to keep everything compact which I myself don't like that...

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Battle Oath: For The King

Without Your Grace, the vacant becomes empty, the quiet is silent, the cool is cold, the shades are shadows and the peace is dreary. And when You're not watching, our strength decays, our voices hoarsen, our stance wilts, our will falters...

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Scars Ch. 14

Tiny drips of water drop from the damp ceiling onto the floor. I lay in my cage, knees down, metal cuffs clasp against my hands, chains connected to the cuffs go straight up to the roof of my cell making my arms outstretch painfully over me. My groggy...

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Janner's tale 4-Cheating

_WooHoo. I haz internet!_ "Karn, 5 minutes until the attack" "Ok, get the squad leaders, platoon commanders and Bane-blade commanders here" said Karn to the sergeant. "Yes sir" he replied before leaving to find them. About 1 minute later,...

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Ch. 2: A Night At The Island, part 1

The next day comes and Dean stood up out of his bed. He scratched his back of his head and looked around and saw the rampage in his room. The cabinets torn to bits, the closet was ruined, all the clothes are spread on the floor and the door was...

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Not Alone chapter 1

The moment I looked into his eyes I felt like I was at peace, that I could just sit there looking into his eyes and I would feel like everything was going to be ok but as I was looking into his eyes I failed to realize that I was staring at him. Darius...

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The Gate-Way Revisited: Chapter 8 A Warrior Born

Next to him stood jake; the grey wolf stared straight ahead at the doors to the elevator. matt suppressed a shiver as he regarded his friend. jake seemed very powerful and strong, his manner was proud and fierce.

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